Monday, November 29, 2010
Finally - the new "laundry" is complete.....
Out with the old and in with the new is very appropriate for what has finally taken place in my tiny little laundry room.
Wow - how cluttered can something get? I've decided to pass all my Martha Stewart brushes on to Ann who loves anything Martha Stewart. I haven't decided if the lovely Ostrich Feather duster will be part of the ones I'm giving her yet - I love everything about it. What is sad about this picture is it isn't half as cluttered as it usually is in that little bitty space. The correct storage pedestals finally arrived and two wonderful men from HD installed them. BigD did have to run an errand for them to purchase the correct pipe for the dryer. The one we had wasn't long enough. I was surprised that BigD agreed to the pedestals but we were so pleased with how neat it looked we were thrilled to finally get them. Drum role....
Had a little "feeling" earlier while washing a load of towels. Heard a bumping sound and when I walked by the door later, noticed the pedestal under the washer had come open during the spin cycle. Hmmm - will see if it happens again before I panic enough to call HD back out here. I got a call earlier today from Lowes telling me our new Refrigerator will be in tonight and after she inspects it tomorrow, she will call me with a delivery date. How do you say - my cup runneth over? Oh - I just did and it does. Before you think we have suddenly come into big bucks - let me assure you that is so far from the truth. Our stuff has just "worn out" and we have put it off so long it has become sad. Besides - isn't that what charge cards are for? Yeah- makes me feel a little sick to my stomach every time I think about it if the truth be known.
vacation is officially over......

Saturday, November 27, 2010
where has the time gone...
Just when it seems the vacation has just begun, it is almost over. How is that? Page left this morning and the only thing I can say about that is color me so SAD! BigD must have taken note of it because he asked me to go riding with him and to run some errands. It worked - we went down to the beach, drove down to Fort Macon, drove over to EI and over the bridge and all the water and sunshine started working a tiny bit of magic. While he was in WalMart picking up food for our dinner tonight, I sat in the car and called a few people I've missed talking with this week. I have more pictures to upload but suffice to say I received some really sweet gifts from some really sweet young people.
I love this picture of Ann and Biscuit on the beach. Biscuit is too cute for words and if I posted every sweet picture of her, there would be no room for words or other pictures.
Since we have all agreed this is one of the cutest, I have to add it. I wonder how many kids have jumped on these two beds over the years? She does a great job of keeping up with Page and Boy in most all of their activities.
Ann and Leah took the kids to the park yesterday and from the pictures taken, they had a great time and worked out some energy. Lee and Kurt kept the kids and the "girls all went over to Beaufort for lunch and to browse just a few shops. It started raining but not on our parade. We had a great lunch on the water with good food and service.
Leah had to order a gift so she arrived a little after everyone got their drink. It didn't' take her long to get close to the bottom of her first "pain killer".
Of course she had to have another picture showing off the gift Page had just bought for her at a sweet little art store/gift shop.
The food and company was great and we laughed a lot getting caught up with each other and just enjoying our time together as "girls". You would think I live as far away from Chess, Lynn, Ann and Mae as I do Page and Leah but it seems that way at times for as often as we get to see each other. I'm working on that though - carving out time to be with those I truly enjoy being with - especially old friends.
Poor Kurt has been sick the entire trip with a stomach "thing". BigD has felt rotten with a bad cold most of the time here too.
How do you say BFFF? These two - they have loved each other since they first met. Like me, Ann misses Page every day but we treasure every minute we have with her. Page is totally enjoying watching Ann and our
gorgeous Lee raise their sweet family in the lovely homes they have created both here and on the farm. We have enjoyed the "fresh" eggs their sweet hens produced for our sumptuous breakfasts while we have been here.
Speaking of food, check out the homemade chicken pot pie Leah produced along with the fresh turnip greens and kale cooked together that BigD produced - YUM. Yeah - no dieting this week - that is for sure.
Then we had the gorgeous sunsets served up with a nice breeze (hair) and glass of my favorite wine. (Thank g00dness for the ability to CROP pictures.)
Followed by a gorgeous sunrise with coffee and a book I've been reading. Until this afternoon, the weather has been warm, warm and warm. After the rain yesterday, it has been cooler but with clear skies and bright sunshine.
One of my favorite people again. We have enjoyed having her daughter be with us and getting to know her a little better. I just found out Mae went back up to her cottage so think I'll sign off for now and go check on her. Believe me, too many pictures and fun things to share here but we are having fun. Sad to leave tomorrow but have Page coming back home in a month to look forward to and hopefully Bentley will come with her and we can all be together. Page just called to leave a message saying she is almost home. To be continued......
Thursday, November 25, 2010
first and part of second day at AB - let the fun begin....
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
anticipation, jealousy, despair.....

Monday, November 22, 2010
earlier times.....

more new stuff.........
Gail and I went to the Memorial for my friend yesterday afternoon and then had a very nice drive North through the countryside to meet Leah and Page. Everytime the brother called my friends full name I looked up - she has my first name and her married name is the same as my maiden name so it felt like he was calling my name. Strange. The moon coming home was unbelievably beautiful. Gail almost killed herself trying to get a picture of it. I think she finally got one that was pretty good. Everyone agreed that I did a good job on the ride home in spite of having to keep my headlights on bright on the back roads until cars met us. I need to have my mechanic adjust my headlights
and I think it will improve my night driving considerably. It was so nice waking up with a sweet smelling little girl snuggled up beside me this morning. Ann came by and shared a Red Velvet Daisy Cake with me after which Leah and Page loaded most of their stuff into her van and they all headed down East. Not long after they left, I got this picture over the phone from Leah saying that Biscuit was very excited about going to the beach too. Don't you love that sweet face? Kurt wasn't feeling well yesterday so we all avoided him like the plague. He is supposed to get off early tomorrow so BigD and I are looking forward to seeing him tomorrow night.
Okay - for those of you who know BigD you are probably thinking by now - "what has Jane done with BigD and who is this man who keeps saying - yeah - go ahead". So everyone - take a gander at my new French Door Samsung Refrigerator. It is a tiny bit smaller than the old one I have which is good because we had to brutalize the bottom of our cabinet to squeeze that bugger in after we had the new kitchen floor installed. It turns out that Leah has seen this one up close and personal - her Mom just purchased one and I think they looked at every fridge in every store in their area. :-) The girl I ordered it from said it will be a few weeks before it gets here because she had to order it. BigD just called to say he had gone to the other Lowe's and it was there. Hmmm - what to do? I think I'll just wait - we are going out of town anyway and this will give me time to clean out the old one to be taken away. I also got a response from where I ordered gifts for Leah and Page2 and they promise I will get them by the end of next week. I was so hoping to have them by this weekend but it isn't to be. S0 - Happy Anniversary to US on our new W/D and Refrigerator! We are also getting the carpet cleaned before Page gets here at the end of December - not sure when she is coming yet. Sad to say - this new carpet will never be as good as our old one was - but that's the way things are made these days - less quality - more money .
I also got the approval of Bentley on this purchase - he assured me I had gotten a great deal and a quality product. BigD just called to say he saw it. I asked him how he liked it and he said what he usually says - "alright". LOL. Hard to get that man fired up. Will have to admit he was a little more excited about the new W/D but once he has water coming out of the refrigerator door again - I think his excitement will kick in. Are you wondering why the picture of the guy in the Pilgrim outfit? This is what Bentley sent me to show me the "costume" he plans to wear while cooking a turkey on Thursday - Oh yeah - you gotta love this man. I love a self-confident man who knows how to implement "costumes" into his life. Um hum. Bet he is thinking to himself about now - "what? - No! she didn't - did she? - No! she wouldn't put that picture on her blog - would she?" Guess it is time for him to learn a valuable lesson. I really did howl when I saw this picture - LOVE a man with a strong character AND a great sense of humor! Do you know what is really funny about this picture? I can see Kurt standing there in it - he also LOVES costumes. He has even been known to wear make-up when he has been in some plays. So I guess Bentley and Kurt have a lot more in common than their coloring - both handsome and blond with blue eyes, both strong enough to be who they are without pretention and they both love my Page. Nice..... Smiling.......

Sunday, November 21, 2010
first SAD for our new circuit #20..
Yesterday, Eileen, Rosanne and I piled into old Ava for our trip to WS to attend our first special assembly day as NC Circuit #20. It was held in a smaller building that houses a hockey rink. The floor was covered with thick mats and you don't feel like you are walking/sitting on an ice floor. Mae had us seats up in the stands but by lunchtime I knew that was not going to work for me on any level. Roseanne gave up and went to sit with her son and his family before the lunch break and Eileen and I went to the floor for and after lunch. The seats there were hard also but not as bad as the ones in the stands. If we go there next time, I plan to take a pillow and small stool and sit on the floor.
During the lunch break I did get to visit briefly with some old friends I haven't seen much of over the years. Our new Circuit includes many congregations that were previously in another Circuit so we are all getting caught up with each other now. This is a young family my daughter was close to for many years. I can't believe their son is 16 now. There were over 2,300 people there so that is too big for the Assembly Hall we used to attend. We speculate about one of two things might eventually happen - once the SC Assembly Hall is complete, we will be broken into 20A and 20B and go back to the one we used to attend or they are going to build one closer to us in a different direction. For now, I'm just going to enjoy seeing so many of my old friends three times a year.
And here they are with one of my oldest friends, Elbert. This is the first time they have been with us too so even more reasons to be happy. He is known as the best hugger in our area. :-)
One of my handsome "guardian" sons - such a nice young man. His mom has done a great job with him and they seem so happy now they are no longer living under harsh circumstances any longer.
And crazy CW - been a long time since I've seen him too. Great memories of when we were all much younger and working in service the month we were all laid off from our jobs come flooding back as I look at this. So much has changed for him since then but he is doing well.
Another wonderful friend from the "old" West Congregation when all our families were young and we raised them together. Now all our children are grown and many have children of their own.
And then a new friend. This is one of Roseanne's close friends from her congregation I've heard her speak of many times. She was interviewed as part of the program and I finally got to meet her. It was funny because I was talking to another friend from their congregation who introduced us and she said - "Oh, she talks about you all time." Then I said yes and I think Roseanne is your close friend too and she said "yes - and she talks about you too". :-) Nope - didn't ask her what they had to say...some things are better left alone. lol Roseanne went with her kids to Pat's for dinner and Eileen and I headed home. I'm amazed at how well I could see to drive on the highway after dark - there wasn't too much traffic so there weren't many bright lights behind me. I rushed home, came by the house to change clothes and pick up the cole slaw BigD had made and went to GG's where we had a feast of BBQ Chicken, mashed taters and cole slaw. Deb and Jim were already there along with their beautiful grandchildren. It was nice to be with them for a short visit.
I know this picture doesn't really do it justice but this was the best I could get. The moon last night was gorgeous - I don't know how people get such good pictures of it because I finally had to just zoom as close as I could and it still doesn't do it justice. I guess I'll get dressed. I have to pick Gail up and go to Pat's Memorial service after which we will meet Kurt and pick up Leah and Page2. We are all getting very excited about our upcoming family time at the coast. Another gorgeous Autumn day for a country is good.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
School project, accidents, nature, tobacco and yard art....

I'll end this entry with a quote from a fellow blogger to those of us who comment on her blog entries. She lives in Southern France, has a hubby and two young boys and is so creative that when I look at things through her eyes, it makes me feel creative. She said she wanted to give a huge, heartfelt thank you for the sweet and supportive words she gets from comments from others because they keep her going and they felt like a million happy bombs in her heart! That is exactly how I feel at times when someone comments on my entries – whether on-line or if they mention something I wrote to me personally. I started this blog because I enjoyed reading my daughter and another friend’s so much and thought I would try it (and to help my sister start one who is SO not interested in doing it) and got hooked. I’ve started so many journals that ended up in the trash after a few months over the years and have found this medium to be helpful at times. So thank you to those who wade through the sometimes long, drawn out meanderings of this old girl. At times it can even be cathartic so for now I guess I'll continue.
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