Whew - finally getting caught up. Everything we have been doing was starting to run together so I had to just sit down and get it in writing before I lose it in those nether regions of my poor old brain. It was a pretty slow day today overall. After checking my emails,
FB and getting caught up on some of the blogs I read, I headed out to the Post Office to get stamps, stopped by Goodwill and picked up a few back
scratchers for Page. I just took a quick
looky, before coming back by
PUBLIX to pick up some "stuff" we need for the next few days and decided it was time to sit down and get my blog updated. I forgot to mention that
BigD called to say he and Steve had gone to the coast. I guess he just missed me so much - yeah - right. Anyway, he called tonight to say they went fishing and were getting ready to fry some fish. He fixed his famous seafood soup last night - YUM. I think he is going back home tomorrow - we'll see. I would have a hard time going home from the coast right now.....

I stopped at the little mailbox area to mail the letters I've done so far and took a few pictures of the signs of Spring being in the air in Page's complex.

I love the pink blossoms on this tree. Along with the daffodils I saw in one area - it all sings of Spring Time! Page has been SO excited ALL day since she found out the couple below her who both smoked like freight trains moved this past weekend. She has spent a fortune on expensive air filters and scented candles and now they are finally gone. Whew....what is that? Fresh Air!!!!

I also wanted to share one of the sweetest things ever. Lisa Jordan of http://lilfishstudios.blogspot.com/ had a big button give-away recently and I wrote in why I would like to have them for my Page. Lisa came to my blog and asked me to email her my email address. When I did, she told me she was moved by my story and that even though I didn't win the bag of buttons she was giving away, she was sending me a bag to give my Page. I was SO touched by her thoughtfulness and so was Page when I gave them to her. The ones in the blue box are the few I have managed to save her over the years. I'm keeping the little button flower w/felt that Lisa made for the gift tag for myself. I'm going to make a pin out of it to wear on coats and sweaters. She is just one of the many talented young women whose blogs I try to keep up with. I am in constant awe of their many talents. If you read my blog - look at theirs too and then go to their sites on
Esty to see the many wonderful things you can buy. Leah called tonight - she was confused because a card Kurt sent Page over a week ago came back and she was wondering why. We checked the address and it was correct so we can't understand it. She also sent me a picture of
Miya's brother

It was sent through my phone with the caption of: "Now that I'm all clean, does anyone else need a bath?"

She also sent me a picture to celebrate her car on the verge of flipping over to the 200,000 mile mark. I hope hers gives them many, many more miles. I'm positive my Avalon will keep on going for at least 100,000 more miles for someone. I still miss her but as Page said - I need to appreciate the new car I have now and stop whining. I really do appreciate my new car - still getting used to it but love it so far. So we just ate some homemade guacamole and I had some Kendall Jackson and Page had Vodka with cranberry juice and I am caught up!!!! Now I'm going to sign off to spend time with my baby girl and watch a movie together.