BigD's niece and sister brought me these beautiful flowers from her yard. Ann, Lee, Boy and Biscuit came over Friday night and she took this picture for me. She and I both love these happy flowers. I know her house is probably full of them by now. BigD finally got himself a new TV. We both like it very much. He was able to re-work our entertainment system to work the larger flat screen TV in the spot the much smaller one was in. I'm sure you have noticed how many times I talk about how BigD can fix anything. It's true - I'm convinced that if he can't fix it - it is un-fixable!
For example, here is a picture of him sewing a tear in his pillow.
My sister Rose and her hubby came for a visit today. He had written me another poem. We got to talking about the various houses they lived in when they were a younger family. My sister complimented me on my hair and I told her BigD dried the back for me. My brother-in-law has always been so good to me. I couldn't love him more if he was my actual brother. Eileen came by on her way to the meeting. She looks so good. I am so glad she is back in my life again. They have been painting their house inside and I do believe she is ready for it to be over. She has always been so smart about decorating her house.
Speaking of Eileen, she sent me this picture she took with her phone this past Thursday evening. She and Ruby decided they should share a picture of their feet at the meeting. Nuts...Makes me smile everytime I look at it. Eileen is so thoughtful. I always enjoy her visits and her sweet text messages.
We are so fortunate to have an Urgent Care nearby with these wonderful women working there. Page got sick the last time she was home and they took very good care of her. It helps when you know the people who are taking care of you really care about you. Feeling a little better. Still have thrush on my tongue which is getting real old. We will be going to the doctor quite a bit starting in March. They have scheduled the middle of March to start my treatments. Hope I feel better by then. BigD has to have another treadmill stress test - they want to make sure the stent is in the right place. Be glad when that is over. Page is planning to come the week I start treatments. She will be working out of their Raleigh office while here. So glad she is going to be able to do that. Takes a lot of pressure off BigD. BigD really wants to go fishing so I'm going to see if JC will be able to stay with me. The sun is setting but the sky is still very bright. Spring is right around the corner.