Hobie truly is one of the sweetest dogs ever. He is friendly to everyone but adores Pam. I love when she sits in a chair and Hobie goes up to her and puts his paws on her shoulders and they have talks face to face. So sweet. Look at a his happy face. Don't Deborah and Pam look a lot alike?
This is a sweet picture of Leif with his first and only grandchild - and a Boy!!! That is his oldest daughter with them - Erin. She is an art teacher and a very good artist. His grandson comes from his middle child - Randi. I am still waiting to meet this sweet little one.
This is not a very good picture but it is a painting that Erin did. The colors are wonderful. Pam has it hung up very high in her kitchen. So much talent all of these girls have.I have to add the picture Dwight took of his dinner that Saturday night. He took some of the fish he had caught down with us and cooked up a big batch of them with his home made fries, coleslaw, hush puppies and his original homemade tartar sauce. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. He fried some of the flounders and broiled the others.
I will share these two that were taken of Douglas and Page at their Circuit Assembly in Salisbury. I love the color of Doug's suit and his cute bow-tie.

This is just one of the cute shirts Page wore this past weekend while she was here. Kelly flew in Wednesday night for work and she and Dwight brought home some of her favorite Chinese food. I'm happy to report that I drank a cup of their wonderful hot and sour soup (broth only) and it was good. She worked on Thursday and spent that night with her work friend - Barb. They had a great time - went to a really good restaurant and got caught up with each other. She also got to see one of her old bosses who works out of the office here. We enjoyed having her home for a long weekend even though it was more of a "girls" weekend she had planned. She and Jen went shopping on Friday, . Jessie and Page drove down Friday night and stopped out at Jen's on their way here. They all got in late Friday night and slept late on Saturday. Then they went back out to Jen's for the day and evening. Jessie and Page had to go home Sunday but Kelly didn't leave until Monday. Dwight drove her to work and then went back and picked her up (taking her packed suit case with him) and dropped her off at the airport later that afternoon. All in all, a very busy but fun long weekend for all of them.
I snatched this sweet picture of Eric with his sweet Bug from Facebook. She is such a pretty little thing. Her Mom and Dad work tirelessly to make sure she is happy. She suffers from Epilepsy and at times it becomes overwhelming for all of them.
This is Jessi with her pretty little Lyla - I also follow her on Facebook and have watched this little one since she was born. Jessi is a wonderful Mom and we all appreciate her sharing this little bundle with us. Her Daddy is a fireman and her brother is a sweet Pit Bull named Piglet.
And this is a picture of many of the kids from the East Congregation. Jamie had a party at her house and from the pictures she shared on Facebook - they all had a wonderful time. She had all kinds of activities planned for them including art projects.
I will close this post with a picture of The Great Wall of China I snagged from Matt's Instagram pictures. He had a wonderful time there and in Japan when he attended the International Convention. He came over today and helped me learn a little more about my iPad. I've been having a few problems and every so often, I really need him to explain things to me - like how to download magazines and other publications. After he left, Dwight was talking about what a fine young man he is and of course, I had to agree. He is also a good friend.