Too bad I'm not very good at condensing - I'm a little too wordy but I'll try. I'm cursed with a mind that runs asunder every so often. I'm sure everyone is getting tired of hearing about our vacation so I'll post a short synopsis of the rest of our week. On Friday the little girls stayed with me and the guys and Page and Leah went to one of our favorite places - Beaufort. It rained really hard around the time they were coming back across the bridges and I think it was a little scary for them. Of course, Page bought everyone a little something special. This is what she bought me - she knows how much I love dragonflies!

They look really nice with my match box don't they? I wore them in service Monday and Gail loved them! She also bought two special things for Ann and Biscuit but I'll wait until they get them before putting the picture here. Friday evening, we all opened up the little arts and crafts projects Leah had brought. Page1, Leah, Little D and I decided to make friendship bracelets. I'll have to tell you - it was pathetic. Of course, Leah is excellent at these kinds of things and Page1 did a pretty good job of hers and even Little D made his look unique. I do NOT have any talent for this type of thing - I decided a long time ago that my talent is how much I can appreciate other people's talents. I placed my "precious" little friendship bracelet in an envelope and now can NOT find it for the life of me. Oh well - if I do, I will definitely share the picture with you. It is worth seeing, no really. You will laugh as hard as everyone else did. It was fun though because we were all doing it together and it was not easy!
It was time for Katy to be taken back to Jacksonville to meet her parents but we enjoyed having her as I'm sure Page2 did. Then before you knew it, it was Saturday and time to come home. We got everything packed up and put into the back of the truck and Big D and I brought it all home along with the boat and left the kids down to go to the Beach one last

time before vacation was over. We decided to come home a day early so they could all have a good night's rest before traveling home on Sunday. Just one of the highlights were the late night treks to use the potty in the other cottage - brought back memories of my very young childhood. Of course it was nothing like that - we had two nice bathrooms to use down there and truly appreciated them. I don't miss those outhouses at all though - truly I don't.
On Sunday, Page, Leah and Little D all went to get Pedicures and Manicures. They were all but giddy when they all got back. Page got purple, Little D got "natural buffed" and Leah got fancy designs on her big toes. They all really enjoyed that little adventure together. Then Page had to hurry up and get to the airport so Big D drove her while Little D, Leah and Page2 got everything together and got on the road to go North. One baby flying South, the other driving North. Vacation is over - chilluns are gone - I'm lonely.
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