Where do I start? Many years ago back in the 80's, a beautiful, tall, dark eyed sister and her beautiful, blonde, exotic daughter came to Durham from Hawaii to attend the American Dance Festival held annually at Duke University. They were going to be in town for 6 weeks or so of classes and performances and needed to find accomodations. I wasn't working at the time so my children and I became their transporation, guides and life-long friends. We entered a whole new world along with some of our other friends who were also not working at the time and the fun began. They came back very often after that when they were on break but then life got harder, people got busier, parents got older, children got married, health issues, deaths, births and before you know it here we are. We have never lost touch but it has been more challenging. A sister called quite awhile back to say she lived in HI and was friends of the Mi's. She had moved to Charlotte and left me a message but no phone number. Then later, she called again to say she had gone home for a visit and was now living in Raleigh and had a gift for me from Mi. We planned to meet this summer at the DC but turns out we went to different ones. Today, she came over and brought me the gift and I got a little bit caught up with the Mi's. I can see why they love her - she has so much energy and seems so happy in her new life with her wonderful husband. I hope we get to spend more time together in the future. The gift was from Little Mi also who makes the delightful Punky Pals.

I also have a practical gift (Big Mi always sends the greatest things) of a colorful shopping bag! I also took a picture of the back of the label on my Punky Pal which shows where Mi gets her inspiration. -

I wish I had a recent picture of Big Mi and Little Mi to share. I have the one she has on FB with her beautiful Sky who is her inspiration.

AND I have one of more of her Punky Pals. I encouraged her to use Esty to market these as they are so cute.
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