Wow, the sun just came out. Too wet to go outside and enjoy it but nice to see anyway. Was planning to meet with the group this afternoon but my study decided to come here which was very nice. Of course, we get to talking and before you know it, it is time for her to pick up her Mom.

Big D came in to grab a bite to eat while she was here - he is serving on jury duty today and is on a case. It turns out her brother is on the same jury - small world. After she left, I was editing some pictures Leah let me upload from her camera and I loved this one of them. There were two other people in the picture who were visiting them but I cropped them out for this. Love to see my babies looking happy! Leah took some pictures of Little D to put into a gift for a friend. Some of them were great including this one.

It made me remember what a friend said to me years ago when Little D was just a boy. I think all mothers think their children are pretty but I never really thought about it that much because their physical beauty wasn't what I cared about most as I'm sure most mothers feel. She was talking to me about what a sweet little boy he was and then she said, he is going to be some handsome man when he grows up. I thought - Huh? Then I looked at my little boy and said, I guess. But now I see what she was talking about. He did get some pretty good genes from both sides of the gene pool. To me his looks are a combination of my Dad (facial features) and his Bid D's older brother (body shape and size). He has my Dad's eye color who lived in a house with 6 dark-eyed ladies. My youngest sister is the one who alerted me to the fact that I would not be having any brown-eyed babies and she was right - Little D has blue and Page1 has blue/green/gray - depending on what she is wearing or her mood. Page1 is so funny - she has a lazy eyelid that has gotten worse but has chosen to forego the "surgery" necessary to fix it.

When she knows you are taking her picture she always says, make sure my eye is open. Or she can just call on her friend Raph (from Belgium) to help out. This is a picture from several years ago when a group went to Raph's parent's chalet in Switzerland. The pictures were wonderful as it was during the off season and you got to see more than snow! I love the ones of Page and her girlfriend laying on an old rustic wooden bridge drinking water from the cold clear water running down the mountain under the bridge.
I love your family! I'm looking forward to seeing them in a couple weeks :)