Monday, October 5, 2009
Full and Satisfied......
That was the only thing I could think of to say about how I feel about the last 3 days! Pioneer Meeting on Friday and Circuit Assembly Saturday and Sunday. Little D, Leah and Page2 were here when I got home Friday night. We were all happy to see each other and spent awhile getting caught up, got Page2 bathed and in bed, went through the LPN's I was giving Little D to go with the nice system I gave him. Hated to see it all go but I'm getting serious about de-cluttering and the reality is that he will get more use out of it than me. :-( Leah and I got up early (after about 4 hours sleep) and got everything ready for me to get us to the Circuit Assembly. During lunch we got to see one of our new arrivals - little Charli!
She is starting to look more like her Mom which is nice since her little boy looks exactly like his Daddy! He even got his Dad's height! Page2 was with us on Saturday and everyone was so excited to see her. She was excited to see her friend too.
We sat with the beautiful Katarina, Brand and their two beautiful children and all were very well behaved I might add. It was so nice to see so many old friends and to have Eileen ride with me and Roseanne both days. Keith gave a talk on Saturday and I was bowled over!
He did such a good job and I was holding my breath for him for no reason because he nailed it! His gestures, inflection, everything was wonderful. I was so proud I thought I would burst and have to admit I cried a tiny bit! We stopped in High Point on Saturday to see Pat and Kris and they both seem to be doing well which made all of us happy. Pat still has a ways to go with therapy but is definitely making good progress and seems to feel pretty good which made me happy.
I LOVE this picture of him and Page - two of my favorite people! Of course once he told Page about their little corn snake, she had to see it. I almost had to drag her away. She was so excited because she watched him feed a baby mouse to the tiny little snake! Boy is she her Mom and Dad's daughter or what? The best part about leaving High Point is we didn't have to drive past Krispy Kreme on the way! I tried not to look at it when we came in and Roseanne said, it's okay, the HOT sign isn't on! Whew - narrow escape!
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So glad you guys got to visit with them! We haven't seen them in a few weeks. Even in his condition, they stay so busy it's hard to catch them. If we knew they were in town Saturday, we would have been fighting over the visit time with them! That Krispy Kreme right on main street is a big hazard! It was terrible being only a block away from it the whole time we were at the hospital!!!