Okay - I've been waiting to post these last pictures until I gave Roseanne the gift I bought her (bought myself one just like it) at Christina's Collectibles. I was finally able to give it to her when we went to see the movie 2012. Interesting movie. Roseanne and I went to Paris back in 2001 when we had our grand adventure in Great Britain. Due to poor planning, we were only able to squeeze out one day in Paris. It is a crystal magnet for the refrigerator.

The first thing that happened was the flight was late taking off but we got over it because we were in Paris! We had a wonderful dinner (boy the story we could tell you about the couple beside us but another time maybe), then walked around drinking in the lights, odors, people, and the fact that we were walking in Paris! After awhile, we dropped into our beds looking forward to our one day Paris. I woke up with - yep - you guessed it -
a really bad migraine. I swallowed 5 Advil with our Croissant and delicious coffee breakfast after which we stowed our luggage at the hotel and set out. Roseanne also had a slight headache but we were going to do as much as we could in the time we had. We went to the Eiffel Tower first.

The line waiting to just walk into the first level was 30 minutes so we took some pictures and boarded a water taxi. One of the employees on the water taxi (handsome young man) offered to pay for Marlan to come back for 2 weeks - including her hotel room because he felt it was so unfair to only have one day. Okay - I was talking English to some young people from Belgium I had just met and they were practicing their English so I wasn't protecting her like I should have been. I had to say the words -
white slave trade - to make her snap out of it! Just kidding - it was fun though and she couldn't wait to get home and tell Bri and her hubby! We went to a few more places including Notre Dame (a picture of us standing in front of Notre Dame was in our local newspaper), had a delicious lunch in a sidewalk cafe, did some shopping and walked along the River Seine watching the artists paint people. We watched a very handsome artist paint an older gentleman - he was very good. The artist didn't speak English but his wife was with him and she did. She was tall, thin, with very long, healthy, wavy brown hair and looked like a model. No makeup at all - just too lovely for words. I decided to have him paint my picture so Marlan roamed about alone for awhile. He kept asking me to smile and I really thought I was. When Marlan came back he was almost through and she said it looked like my Mom. Then she decided to have her picture done too. We both had them matted and framed and they are hanging in our homes to remind us of the brief but delicious adventure we had there. Page said mine looks like me with a migraine and it's true - the eyes show it. He didn't quite get my one cheek but I don't care - I know it's me and where it was painted and that is what counts. Page had one done when she was there too and I have a small copy of it.

The little greenish earrings on the left were made by an artist in a store where I bought tons of unique cards by local and other artists. The owner of the shop made these earrings so I bought a pair for me, Page and Leah. The ones I bought Page are green also (with a different design on each earring) and the ones for Leah are a terra cotta color. The earrings in the middle were made by Charles Albert (see the card). The stone is Aztec Lapis and they are beautiful surrounded by the sterling silver. I splurged on these in a big way but know I will enjoy them for many years to come. Leah bought each of us including Ann a sun with a different gem in each one. She got the Amber, she gave me the Pearl and I can't remember what she gave Page and Ann. Ann and I went back and got him to make us the cords to hang them on. I've already worn my sun necklace and love it. I just bought a nice pair of pearl earring hanging on a long piece of sterling silver to wear with it the next time I wear it. The two pair of earrings in the top left side of the picture were left in Mae's cottage. I brought them home to return them to the sister who stayed there last but she said they are not hers. Have no idea who they belong to.

I bought this handmade pin to wear on my new hat and/or my coat/sweater and love it. I wish I had bought several of them. The owner of the shop who made the green earrings made these also. I plan to buy more the next time I go down. What I should do is learn how to make them myself - yeah - right! I believe she knitted them but think they could be made by crochet also.

I was also holding off on putting these last pictures up because I bought the Betty Boop magnet and little Betty Boop Tin for my niece and was hoping to have given them to her by now. We were having lunch at Yana's in Swansboro and went to the shop next door owned by Yana's to get this and something for Boy. They have everything in there. Awhile back, my niece made a comment on FaceBook about her hubby calling her Betty Boop and she wanted to know whether she should be insulted or not. I found a cute picture of Betty Boop and posted it on FaceBook so she could see that No - he was paying her a compliment.

Can you see the resemblance? Of course my niece is much prettier than Betty Boop but I love the dark hair and red coat - that is why I picked this magnet out - the red coat and dark hair. She works odd hours at Duke as a nurse and has tried to come by several times because I told her I had something for her. Maybe she will not look at my Blog before I can get it to her. The scarf I bought because it was on a head in the shop and looked like it would work well in the event I ever "need" this type of scarf OR I might wear it at the beach this summer.