Yep - it has come to that time of year again - the year is almost gone and my time with my babies is once again going by much too fast. Little D., Leah and Page2 got here on Thursday night and it was so good to see them. Little D and Leah went to see Avatar Friday night and loved it! Leah, Page2 and I got pedicures and manicures Saturday afternoon

and Page 1 had just arrived when we got home. Page2 picked her favorite color - Gold. Her manicure just consisted of them polishing her fingernails but she did have the pedicure - with again; gold polish. Notice how cute the little cuff is on her arm. As soon as we all greeted each other, it was time for Leah to start working on her famous Basil Thai Chicken and Jasmine Rice. I can't even begin to describe how delicious it was. It took quite awhile to prepare and no time at all for it to disappear!

Douglas made a Pear dessert with fresh Bosc Pears, brandy, and some other things and it rocked also - and the oven door WOMPED one time! Alcohol and the stove - hmmm. I'm not sure what was going on but I ran a fever all Saturday night - finally got up around 2:45am to check and it was almost 101 which for me is very high. I took some Tylenol and went back to bed. I just layed around all day Sunday and Big D made his famous BBQ Chicken and Slaw and I put together some roasted veggies for lunch/dinner. A nice surprise was Rose and Wayne coming by to visit with the kids and they stayed and ate with us. It was nice being together again. They both look great as always. It was sad that Little D and Leah had to leave but they both had to be at work today. Leah added tons of Page's CD's to her new iPod we gave her for their anniversary and she was so excited! I had a little fever last night and still have a little cough but not sure what it is. I spoke with a friend who said her sons had something similar and the doctor said it is a virus so that raises a question. Am I going to catch every single virus going around this year? Give me a break! I slept 10 hours last night - woke up at 9am and heard Page talking to Big D, rolled over and next time I looked it was 10AM! Yum. Poor Page - she was getting ready for her massage today and felt like she was developing a UTI. I called my doctor and he worked her in and yep - she was right. We dropped her off for her massage - picked up her meds, visited with Roseanne for a second (to use her bathroom at the shop) and got a few groceries. My doctor wants her to talk to her doctor about getting that kidney stone out since she hasn't passed it. Big D picked up Chinese for dinner tonight at Page's favorite Chinese place - China Inn Express out on Hwy 54 in RTP. YUM.

Then we baked some sugar cookies and Page2 decorated them with chocolate icing. Page bought me a book she picked up at the library called Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Karr. I just skimmed through it - some of it was very funny and poignant at the same time and some of it was just a little too irreverent for me but I'll have to say it was REAL. I enjoyed the experiences of the other young women she found and surrounded herself with who were going through a cancer experience and what they all gave to each other. I could relate to so much of what she and the other women said about their own experiences with how

people react to you about it. Recently someone said, I thought your cancer was totally taken care of. Hmmmm. She delved into many areas of alternative medicine; the drastic changes in her diet always displaying a wicked sense of humor and touched on her spiritual journey (of sorts). Her language is a little salty (to say the least) and she gets angry but the way she expressed her actual feelings about the way her life changed totally from the moment she heard the C word was good. I may join her blog to see what types of things she sends and it looks like her team includes a well know cancer specialist. I guess my new word for 2010 should be PRO-ACTIVE. What do you think?
Pro-Tricia ;)