Okay - catching up - what does that mean? Its a very rare occasion when we can sit down and catch up on all of the things that we need to but we can at least make a stab at it. After taking Miya to the doctor yesterday, I had to get my shower for my own doctor's appointment. I had printed up some pictures on the really nice paper Roseanne got me from her job of

my doctor with his new dog so I was ready. It was while I was in the shower that I realized my headache (from taking my new BP medicine) had changed and had become a migraine (of sorts). The bottom fell out and it rained most of the afternoon making my driving hazardous at best (don't worry Page - I was very careful). I needed to go to the grocery store and barely made it to their restroom once I got there so the migraine has escalated to another level.

Didn't think I would ever get back home. I listened to most of the meeting on the phone (had an important phone call in the middle) and it was nice. I do so appreciate being able to listen on the phone but it is not the same as being there with the friends. The important call was my doctor calling. We were expecting him to call Big D to tell him what meds he needs to take to try and get his triglycerides down but he called on my line to talk to me first. It turns out he was still unhappy with my BP (the bottom number was great but the top number is still too high) so he doubled my dosage and I'm to go back next Thursday for him to check again. He also wanted to thank me for the pictures and said he does so like that picture. I told him I did too and had figured out why we all do - it makes us smile. He agreed. After he talked to Big D,

we both just sat and felt a little sad that we have now reached that age - hello? When did this happen? Weren't we going to be different from everyone else? Yeah - right. If my headache would just go away, I could deal with the other little side effects I'm experiencing. I had two nice long chats with Page today - poor baby - she was having a pretty rough day herself. I hope she has a great weekend and once she takes care of an
onus (
burden, necessity, obligation, or responsibility - especially a distasteful one) that will hang over her head until it is addressed, I'm afraid it will be on her mind. She reminded me of how I used to get mad about work and would take it out on her and the family when I got home. Hmmm is that true? Probably so but I will try to always be a good listener to her because I do remember the frustrations of having a busy job with tons of responsibility. What did I mean by catch up? I pulled together some paperwork that needs going through in a big way because I am so late on sales and property tax;

reconciling checking account; all things to do with Big D's books; paying bills, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera as the King of Siam would say. I did make some of those
onerous (
1 : involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome >) calls you put off for when you have lots of time to just sit on hold after pushing tons of buttons waiting for a real, live, breathing human being who "might" not put you on hold. Whew!! I also set up an appointment for Monday with the lady to come back and change Big D's insurance to another company that handles his Medicare because the first one (for one month)

went up enough on the co-pays that it makes all the trouble worthwhile - especially if he is going to start taking medication also. Stole some time to talk with Mae and get caught up on how she is doing. It turns out her daughter is quite sick. Not sure exactly what is going on but hoping everything turns out well. It was nice to hear her voice if only for a little while. It turns out Little D is still having problems with pain on his right side. After having ultrasound of gall bladder not show any stones, he went to his chiropractor who still says he is having problems with his gall bladder - doesn't have to be stones - can be something else. He gave him a diet to try - hope it helps. Hope to go out in service with my dear spiritual daughter, her hubby and her little boy tomorrow morning and am so hoping this headache will abate enough for me to do that. My headache let me pull together some things and make the phone calls but it would not let me do the actual paperwork. Hopefully I'll be able to do some of it tomorrow after service. Good grief!!!! That is definitely enough rambling for one day.
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