Got a good night's sleep last night so woke pretty refreshed for a change. Wonderful meeting today - two great talks and the WT which was designed for our young ones. I'll have to tell my kids how special it made all those old people they used to hug at the KH feel every Thursday and Sunday. I can't tell you how many of the young ones will just come up and wrap their arms around my waist for a hug. My cup runneth over. A nice surprise was to have
Gerl and ShelaB at our meeting today with Gerl's Mom. I was so excited to see them and to have them follow me home to take home so soup we had frozen for them and for them to pick up some things I had ordered for them. They all looked really good. I know they are still in an adjustment period but feel confident that with time, they will be happy. Gerl looked so nice and trim in a pretty red coat - she agreed that she has lost some weight and attibutes it to having to climb so many steps every day. Snatched this picture of Lauren from FB. Was taken when she was being dropped of at the airport. We did get our
first messages on FB from her. She had a layover in London and was killing time at the airport. I love her hair real long like this. I hope she reads this and will keep it long for awhile before cutting it again. When she gets back and she will be moving into her new apartment located exactly where she wanted to be. Her Mom was with some of her friends at HS this weekend and from the few pictures I've seen, it looks like they were all having fun and winding down. So I'm going to close out this Sunday with a picture of one of my favorite characters. My little Page and Kurt's little Page have both seemed to gravitate toward this little bird. Both had tee shirts with pictures of little tweetie on them when they were smaller. " I taught I taw a putty tat".
I'm going through all your posts and catching are quite the FB theif when it comes to pictures. ;-)..and yes I am keeping it long. I have a goal length and then will cut it to a more manageable length, not short just not quite so long. :-)