We had steaks, taters with onions and green peppers and blue cheese dressing for those who wanted it along with Leah's mushrooms for dinner last night. YUM. Everyone was in bed by around midnight or a little after and I was awake from about 1:30AM u n t i l.....Yep one of those nights - never went back to sleep. I did finish another Sigrid book

- now working on the next one. This is a picture of the hardback but I've been reading them in paperback. I gave Kurt the ones I've read and he plans to read them too. Page2 decided she would sleep with me last night and the only real difference other than being in a different place was the bed was a full size instead of a queen size. BIG difference evidently. Princess Miya was totally agitated - she wanted to lay between us but that meant that Page2 was too close - so she would go partially under the cover and see Page2's leg and look at me, look at the leg, look at me - oh my. It went on
all night long. SO tonight Page2 will be with Page1 and Miya will be with me. Hopefully that means I'll SLEEP! Here it is after 7pm and I'm still wide awake - don't ask me how. Jen, Boy and Biscuit got here around lunch time and we were all so happy to see them. I was heading out to the grocery store when she pulled in so I didn't really get to visit until I got back. Of course she gave us all lovely gifts and she went WAY over the top for mine. She has a talent - a gift - for picking just the right gift for each person. That means she tries to not only give things she loves but things she hopes others will love too. Since I LOVE her taste in all things - she can't go wrong with me. Such a special young woman and one of my "girls" in so many ways. I'll share pictures of the "gifts" later. We had a few things for her too. She gave Page2 this cute little gift that partners with Boy's - they both have such wonderful imaginations and we know they will have many hours of make-believe together with these.

As usual, they fell right into the rhythm of their life-long friendship we hope will last forever. Leah had to purchase a new pool - someone moved the one she stored from last year and it had a tear in it. Bummer. This one isn't as big but it was big enough for me and Kurt to enjoy for a bit. A very little bit.
Then more "kids" joined us and Leah helped me UP and OUT of the pool. I'm still trying to decide who the biggest kid in the "pools" was this afternoon.
Yeah - I think we can all see who that is - right? I love him and his freedom of expression.
Leah took these pictures of BigD with our small beach umbrella. He wanted to tie some lures and fish a bit but it has been SO hot here today - he decided to be "smart". He and Kurt went fishing earlier and were gone much longer than I thought they would have been considering the heat. They caught one flounder - 18inches. He caught another one off the dock but it wasn't big enough to keep. Being out on the water so long was one reason Kurt "needed" the pool. Boy and Page are back in the little pool, BigD is making spaghetti sauce, I'm having my second glass of wine and I'm listening to my babies laughing and talking on the other side. I'm also watching the sun casting shadows over the water and dock and am getting ready to take what's left of my wine to go out and watch the sun set. More to come......
I love Kurt in the tinier kiddy pool, fantastic! I hope the water was cool, especially after a long time of being in the heat. Have a fantastic week and get some SLEEP!!!