Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy morning.....

Page got in last night safe and sound. We got up early this morning for my appointment at Duke. We weren't surprised when it was decided I'm still not healed enough to start my treatments. I'll be honest and tell you I was so relieved since this past week wasn't one of my best ones.  I made the mistake of trying to extend the time between when I take my pain meds.  HUGE mistake - took three days to get back on top of it.  I also found out I have thrush on my tongue (got new prescription for that) and I had to be hooked up to an IV because my blood work showed me being very dehydrated.  I need to work more food into my daily intake and have an appointment for next Wednesday to probably receive fluids again. They will see me weekly until I start the treatments.  She also wants me to work with a physical therapist and I'm guessing I'll find out more about that next week.  We were there so long I was over an hour late getting my pain meds and now I'm having to work on getting on top of that again.  Next week I will take food and meds with me so that doesn't happen again.  The pain in my ears when I drink, eat and take meds is coming from the area where my saliva glands are.  They aren't working yet which is why I have to take a sip of water with every sip of Ensure.  Tired.....


  1. :( I'm so sorry :( I wanted to visit you so badly last week, but couldn't because the kids are sick. I wish so badly that you could get back to normal. I'm glad that Paige arrived safely. One plus to all the downs. I'm constantly thinking of you, love you!

  2. Sorry it was a bad week. See you Thurs.


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