New necklace and earrings I purchased from the little gift shop where I receive acupuncture. I looked at it several times and finally just decided to buy it. I love it. It is very light-weight.
Snatched this picture from Facebook. Alice, Sid Jr, Sidney and Monica many years ago. Love it.
Alice and Kelly the last time Kelly was here. My kids love Alice and Sidney very much - have been close to them their entire lives.
Six of Ennis's handsome grandsons were the pallbearers. Boy is Ennis's youngest grandson and he was so proud to be one of them. She would have been proud to have them carry her this one last time to rest beside their grandfather. They will both be missed deeply by so many.
It turned out, Ennis and I.T. were buried very close to Dwight's Mom, Dad, Brother, Aunt and Uncles. I took pictures for us to look at later.
Page and Boy were inseparable as always. I was so glad Douglas, Jessie and Page were able to get away from work and come down to be with the family this past weekend. I got to see Ennis several times this past year but due to my illness, we didn't talk as much as we normally did. I told Zandra I felt like I was robbed of my last year with Ennis because of my cancer and she said she could see why. I am so glad I had Zandra here to take me out to the farm for the visitation. We sat in the house for the most part so I didn't get to see everyone but was happy to be there and see the ones I did. We have lost many of our loved ones these past few weeks/months. Judy's husband Mark got a call on Saturday letting him know his Dad had died suddenly . I don't have a picture scanned of Charles yet. I now feel like I've been robbed of my last year with him also. Not many people knew how much we stayed in touch off and on via email all these years but again, due to my illness, we haven't really talked much this past year. Judy's children lost their grandmother and their grandfather within a week of each other. Makes me so sad to think about it. Today I found out we lost another dear older friend who used to babysit for Kelly when I was working at McPherson's Hospital and pregnant with Douglas. I didn't see her too much except at conventions and assemblies but she and Alice were very close and talked all the time. Alice and Sidney are both going to miss her very much.
Page loves the recorded book Boy made for her. It is so cute and his little voice sounds so sweet as he tells her about the book. I know she will treasure it forever.
Page decided to walk the yard with me on Sunday so I had her stand under a tree her Daddy used to stand under for me to take her picture like I did his. The picture didn't turn out well at all. We turned around and there was Alton from across the ditch (he calls it the crick). I had to make him come inside to speak to the kids (he has been fighting a cold but no one touched him). They were happy to see him and get caught up a bit. (I didn't know Page had gotten this picture until I found it on my phone.)
I fell in love with Kelly's Kindle Fire Cover this past summer at the beach and asked her how to get one like it. It turned out she bought it from a local festival down where Bentley lives. She found the woman's name on Esty but I couldn't find one like Kelly's. I emailed her and she asked me to have Kelly email her a picture of the one she bought. She then ordered the fabric and proceeded to make me one just like I wanted and didn't charge anything extra for it. I love every piece of fabric on and inside of it. I will be keeping my eye on her pages from now on to see what other cool things she creates. We are all starting to get excited about our upcoming beach trip. I can't believe how close it is now. So much to do - so little energy. Met my new Lymphoma Oncologist today. She is young but seems to be on top of things. We arrived for blood work at 1:30 and didn't get away from there until 5pm. Getting the good news that I'm not going to have to start treatment anytime soon was worth the wait. I will have to have another PET scan in about 6 months. Since it has grown, she wants to make sure it hasn't jump-started into a faster growing lymphoma. That works for me. She also talked to me about my tongue and fused palate.
I also asked her about the two new little knots on my neck and she wasn't concerned about them at all. While I had Jessie here this weekend, I got her to help me order some dresses, tops, denim shirt, bikini underwear and bras for Page. I hope it all fits her. Jessie has called several times with questions about the beach - she is getting excited. Then I talked to Kelly who is in Rochester working this week. She said it isn't too cold but is supposed to get a little colder. They aren't calling for snow but she doesn't worry about it because they are so much better prepared up there for snow than we are here in the South. Jessie was telling me that Page is getting excited about sleeping in a bunk bed but Jessie is just hoping she doesn't fall out of the top bunk because she sleeps all over the place. :) Enough words for now.........
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