This is an older picture of her with her daughter Little Mi. I have been keeping up with them via Facebook and enjoying the pictures Little Mi has been posting there. I got my normal phone calls from Alice and Sidney after which I called my Cathy just to hear her sweet voice for a few minutes. She was so excited that I was the one who called her. I'm going to have to make an effort to do that more often.

I also want to share another picture I snatched from FB of Bryan, Heather and their two sweet little girls. I think that was taken at one of their meetings.

These pictures of Page were taken at their CA in Salisbury recently. I love her jaunty little hat and always love seeing pictures of her at conventions and meetings. I miss her though.
I took this picture of Linda at the meeting last week. Such a pretty and sweet girl. I am so proud of her and Seth and their sweet little family.

This is a picture of their garden behind their brand new house. Even though they have to drive so far to get everywhere, they all seem to love where they are living now. What could be better than to have the Eno running through the back of your property? And to have a grandmother next door who has an in-ground swimming pool
I love this picture of Geri and Jinx with their entire family. Karen brought me and my chair home from the meeting this past Thursday night and came inside to chat with me and Dwight for a bit. I am so glad she finally found a job (she was laid off) that she seems to really like. It is at an established company in RTP with benefits in customer service so it is right up her alley.

I snatched this picture of Larry and Patsy that was taken in my kitchen many, many years ago from Patsy's phone. Aren't they young looking? They were newlyweds here I think. They are back down at the coast in their sweet little cottage. Being there is better than any medication on the market for them. She wants me to plan when I can go down with her so I told her to just let me know. I would love to be down there again.

Sheila took this picture of Geral standing outside this little store they came across out in service. The caption said they had found "my" store while in service. They said it was just a sweet little country store. It does have a great name though.

I will sign off with this lovely picture of Falls Lake at sunset recently. Nothing like water to make you feel relaxed. Add a setting sun and it is delicious.
Loved getting caught up on all of your posts! We miss you so much! Looking forward to seeing you sometime this week!