Been a little busy these days - not a bad thing. Last month did not go out with a bang - it was more like it "fizzled" away. Not sure what was going on with my body - it seems to be rebelling a little more than usual these days. Oh well - as Bette Davis said so eloquently, "
getting old ain't for sissies" and it turns out, not for the faint of heart either. Haven't been in service since last Wednesday between headache and stomach issues or the stomach issues could have been part of the headache I guess. My wonderful "
tax lady" came Friday and downloaded what I had finished in the books on the computer. I still had to pull things together that aren't in there and "finally" got those emailed to her Saturday. Can we spell Type A personality or should we just call it what it is -
procrastination. Big D got home from his fishing trip Saturday afternoon and he was one tired old man. They went "outside" for two long days and on Friday night he said he was so tired he couldn't even "drink". You have to laugh at that. It really beat him up and he took a nice long nap after he got home. Leah called Saturday to let me know Page2 was running a fever. She started running a fever Friday evening when she rode to the assembly city with Leah's parents. Leah said they sat in the cafeteria most of Saturday to keep her away from other children

. Roseanne and I rode up Sunday to pick up Page2 and to see her youngest daughter and her new hubby on an assembly part. All of Roseanne's children and grandchildren were there - it was so good to see P and K - P looking so handsome and healthy. Of course we all got to hold Rose a little bit - what a delicious little girl. Page kept saying she felt better but she was also loaded up with Tylenol. We had a nice lunch with everyone and visited some friends from VA and then loaded Page and her "stuff" into my car and headed home. After we got home, Page started saying she was cold so I took her temperature and it was 104.3 - okay - don't freak out!!! I called Lin (she has three little ones AND is a registered nurse and we figured out how much Tylenol I could give her - her weight is so under her age - you have to work it out somehow. She said there was a virus going around that is just a high fever. She got very, very hot during the night and I had to give her more. This morning, Rie picked up some liquid Motrin that should work better and so far today, it seems to be working faster and longer than the Tylenol. So nice having these young mothers in my life - they are up to date on how children are being treated for the new viruses that keep going around. Lin even called on her way up to pick up their children who have been with their great aunt this week. Such a sweet girl she is - so glad she is back in our congregation. Page2 spiked a fever again tonight and is now asleep. No service again tomorrow. Leah asked me to let her rest one whole day before getting her out and active and around other children. Poor baby....fevers make you feel so bad. On an upbeat note - Ann called to see when we will be available for Boy and Page2 to be together and we are definitely getting together either Thursday or Friday or BOTH! I can't wait to see Ann and Biscuit too - been too long. Hopefully, Page will be much better - would love to get out with Eileen all day Wednesday and for

Page to be with me at least one day. Can't wait to see Page1 Wednesday evening - she definitely needs a break from work and I hope she will be able to relax. Leah told me tonight they should be able to get away a little early Friday night and that Kurt is really looking forward to fishing with BigD Saturday at the lake. To end this entry on a high note - I was disappointed that the pictures I took Saturday didn't turn out too well but I thought I would share one that Page2 took of Roseanne's grandson - what a cutie. He and Page entertained each other during lunch - I LOVE how Page can relate and enjoy children of all ages. How do you not love that face!!!
I love that face!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm stealing that one :D Had a great day with you yesterday! And thanks so much for my wonderful gift! It was so thoughtful of you :D
ReplyDeleteYou can comment again! Wheee. You are so welcome - it made me happy to be able to do it. Please take a picture and send it to me so I can put it on my blog. My niece is coming this weekend to get the one I bought her. I told her Mom about it and she thinks she will really like it. They are getting so excited - we are too - looking forward to being with family in one of our favorite places in the world full of good memories. Got both my Page's here so I'm happy.