You know how you look forward to something for a long time and when it finally gets here it just doesn't last long enough? That is what it's like for me when my kids all come for a weekend with us. The antibiotic Urgent Care of Durham gave me rocked! I mean really, after one dose (Page2 only got three doses) her fever was gone! She never ran a fever again. On Tuesday, I had
Katarina and her two lovely children drop by

because I had bought her something while I was down East with my dear friend. We went into an art gallery and I fell in love with the young woman's (mother of 3) style of painting. Her husband made the frames - we met her and their three children - such a sweet young family. When I saw the picture - the first person I a

thought of was
Katarina on so many levels. If you have read my past entries, you know she is a wonderful artist herself and when I looked at the representation of the man and woman in the pictures - I thought of her with her long hair. I also bought smaller picture for my niece's wedding gift. She and her hubby to be are getting married on the Sound at Jockey's Ridge at Outer Banks. She has long
blonde hair and had her dress designed and custom made to her specifications. I can't wait to share pictures of her wedding. Page, Page2 and I drove out to the farm to

visit with Ann, Boy and Biscuit. So much fun! Ann and Page had gifts for each other and of course for Boy, Biscuit and Page2. Boy really liked his gift (he can make different faces with his food) and hopefully it will help make eating more fun for him. If you want to enjoy a child who enjoys eating, just watch Biscuit - she loves everything from bland vegetables to sweets. They are both so sweet. Boy even made me a gift which I love and have sitting in my living room window.

It is a dragonfly. People who know me well know how much I love the lovely dragonfly. As a matter of fact, Ann has a pillow I am seriously coveting. The one I bought years ago in Mystic Seaport, CT has faded from the many washings but I still love it. Of course the Page2/Boy connection is still going strong despite their age difference. I love the way Page2 plays with younger children. Page and I were so happy when Mae drove

down to visit with us. Page has always felt so close to Mae - she has been in her company since before she was born. I spent a week with Mae and her girls at their beach cottage when I was

pregnant. What fun times we have had there together. We took quite a few pictures on Thursday and some of them are too priceless. Especially the ones down at the creek when Page got a video of Page2 looking into the water about the time Boy threw something that splashed and Page2 screamed and jumped like a shot of electricity went through her. Of course everyone was howling. Check out the video at the end of this entry. I'm still challenged when it comes to videos on my Blog -

sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Ann and Page have been friends for over over 10 years now and I have enjoyed watching them through the years maintain that closeness while being so far apart. A dear older friend told me something way back in 1968 that I have never forgotten and it has proven to be true. Good friends can go years without seeing each other and yet when they meet again, it is as if no time has really passed. I love the energy between these two women and the love they have not only for each other but for those who belong to each other. Page2 got tons of pictures of Big Red and his harem of hens. Oh Yeah - he is definitely the king of his roost and knows how to strut his stuff. Since we were all so excited about the pretty chickens, it was even nicer when we were sent home with some really, really fresh eggs - Yum. On Friday,

we relaxed and cleaned up a bit. Ann, Boy and Biscuit arrived early and the fun began. Kurt and Leah got off work early and came in next followed by Lee. I know - a lot of people for this little house but it has seen lots more than that. See where Biscuit is standing? Well she actually "walked" over to my chair from the door where she

had 'walked" to look outside. Love the little fingerprints on that door. Look at the back of her head - don't you love the little flip of curls? And when you look into her eyes, you just fall into them. On Saturday, Page, Leah, Page2 and I went
pootin (that's what my Mama called it). I love this flower Leah bought me from

when she and Kurt were in Texas awhile back. The had a wonderful time. Big D cooked his famous BBQ chicken, slaw and creamed taters - Double Yum. I had made a chocolate pie earlier and everyone liked it (but me). It just wasn't up to par as Mama would say. Ann took the kids on home to be put to bed and Lee stayed and visited with us a bit. It was nice to have him with us - he is such a busy young man. Looking at his equally busy little boy brings back wonderful memories of when he was only a little bit older at the beach. At that time, there was a screen door and if that door slammed with him running in and out one time, it slammed a

hundred. No one really minded though - he was a very loved young man with three older sisters. We got up early on Saturday, put on baseball hats and hit the Farmer's Market. First stop was Daisy Cakes to order, pay for and reserve for later pickup our gourmet cupcakes and a nice raspberry/chocolate bread pudding. I bought some really nice flowers, We all fell in love with the little bunch of Poppies. The tulips I bought were already fragile to say the least - 3 of them broke before I could get them in a vase but I put them in smaller vases and they are pretty too. Page bought some unique pottery planters for a window sill.

They are so cute. It was nice to have Keith and another young man stop by to see his "girls". We all adore Keith and he is one of our all-time favorite people in the world. He is so busy these days he has to really squeeze little bits of time in for everyone. I took this to show the two Azaleas my Mom planted here many, many years ago for me. Notice the two flowers - an older friend of mine gave them to me years ago too. They don't come back every year and so far they have been different colors. This is the first year they have been one of my favorite color for irises. I also purchased a

wedding gift for a friend who will be getting married next month. It is something that is to be used by just the two of them. Need to find a box to wrap it in - it is fragile. Then we picked up some Duke Championship Tee Shirts for everyone and I went into The
Play House while Page, Leah and Page2 went into one of our favorite shops on 9
th Street - Vaguely Reminiscent. Page racked up on some cool tops and I bought a cool hard shell glass case for my prescription sunglasses. I blew my budget at The Play House - even bought myself a really big, weighted hula hoop that is supposed to be like working out (it is). Samantha liked everything I bought. Then we stopped in at Wellspring (Whole Foods) and picked up some goodies and headed home.
I stole some time to switch my sewing kit to my new sewing basket. I bought it when I was down East. It was handwoven by women in Zimbabwe and is a sewing basket. I love it - pretty enough to leave out and big enough for the little bit of mending I do. The dancer in the background was a gift from Page. I love dancing -

especially ballet and modern. I used to subscribe to the American Dance Festival each year and take the kids to different performances. My friend and her daughter from HI introduced us to the ADF and our friendship has endured long absences and many miles. Because of the computer, I am able to keep up better with their goings-
ons. As a matter of fact, I "snatched" a few picture they were in from
FB. The first one is my friend with her son-in-law, the second is her gorgeous grandson and the

third her beautiful daughter. You will notice the picture of the basket and dancer is below. Page was feeling pretty rough with allergies and didn't get much sleep on Saturday night at all. It didn't help that I coughed outrageously the entire night.

Big D said I coughed all night long and I didn't want to respond, "I know, I was there" but I did think it. :-) I felt so bad for Page knowing she was going to have to fly home. She left some of her clothes in the washer and dryer so I'll be getting a large mailer sometime this week to send them to her. Leah also left a few odds and ends in the washer. Everyone got home safe and that is what matters. I had to share a picture of the four leaf clover Kurt found - my sister has a talent for finding these things as does Ann. I also have to share a

picture of Page2 getting a bath. Love this little girl. I was so miserable with my own allergies and cough I called my doctor

who called in a change in prescriptions for my
BP meds (he doubled my dosage and we aren't sure it is what has caused my cough to linger so long) and
Flonase. Not too sure about
Flonase. Used it yesterday and had a killer headache all day. My face actually hurt just like a sinus infection. You will notice the kleenex on the bedside table - Big D took this picture to show that not only did I finally go to sleep this morning but Miya thought she would take advantage of that to find a nice perch to lay on. What is still bothering me is the cough. I was going to go in to see the

doctor tomorrow but I already have an appointment for Thursday so I'm trying to hold on until then. I need relief from the cough - it is worse than it was back in December when I first started with it. The pharmacist said to give my new
BP med a few days (another reason I waited) to see if it was them and the cough goes away. Well, it has been two days and I feel lousy. There - I said it. I feel lousy. I have been trying my best to not say it but the fact is I'm sick as a
dawg a g a i n.
"AH! I saw a snake!" hahaha :) Glad you guys got to have some fun eventually! Sorry to hear about the cough -hope that goes away soon and indefinitely. That is one gorgeous grandson your friend has :) and I love love LOVE the poppies! :D
ReplyDeleteKatarina - could you tell it was late by the time I finished this entry? I started it Monday and didn't finish it until early this morning - cough still so bad. When I looked over it I saw tons of typos and errors where I moved things around. Sorry about that - think I've fixed them all now. I love the poppies too. Yes - Mi's grandson is gorgeous - his name is Sky. They were enjoying a Zone Servant Visit. Said it was awesome!