I've heard this phrase most of my life and decided to see where it came from. After typing come see, come saw in a google search I found -
“Comme ci, comme ca” (pronounced “kohm see, kohm sah”) is a French phrase meaning, literally, “like this, like that.” That which is “comme si, comme sa” is barely adequate, better than nothing but not by much. To use the phrase properly one would extend their palm just above their waist and tilt it from side to side while saying “comme si, comme sa.” At least I've always used it properly. I'm sad to say that is basically how I've been feeling since Friday night. Kelly went to Target last week and picked up a few tops and slacks for me to try on and see what my size is now. Then a package came right before she went home and it was some clothes she had ordered for me from J Jill. She returned the ones that were too big and washed the ones she liked on me and hung them up to dry before she left. She had ordered two dresses in tall and I had to explain why they were too long. I'm no longer tall! Then she went into my closet and got started pulling things out that no longer fit and putting them into a big bag for later. At one point, we were standing in the living room in our underpants and bras trying things on. Yeah - the biggest mirror in the house is in the living room. Dwight came home just in time to catch us in the middle of getting dressed again. That turned out to be my work-out that day. I could get tops over my head but had to have help getting them back off. I had to laugh as I thought about how many times I've pulled clothes over my children's heads. I was feeling so positive since Kelly had gotten me walking again but sadly, had another setback. At one point, I was afraid I had a virus of some kind and maybe I did. After thinking about it though I believe I may have caused it. After having my blood pressure checked throughout the week, I sent the results to my doctor who was pleased also. He wanted me to have it checked several more times but thinks I can stay off the medication. I asked him about another medication and he stressed that he didn't want me to change anything else too soon. In trying to figure out why I was feeling so bad, I think I know what has happened. I was already coming off one of the two narcotic drugs I've been on, then I started coming off the BP med and THEN - I decided to cut one of my pills I normally take back a little. I should have waited to cut that one back but it had been almost a week so I decided to suck up and let it ride. I will try to be more careful in the future.

Kelly was so relaxed when she went home and one reason is she had already taken Friday off. Her visit with us was pretty relaxing for her. She took an art class after she got home and sent me a picture of the results. I love it. I also love how relaxed her voice is these days. Yesterday was busy - I had Acupuncture at 11:00am, we stopped at Costco (I stayed in the car) to pick up Kleenex (I go through tons of those), papers towels and Ensure. Then Dwight drove me out to see Marlan for a few minutes.

I also got to see her daughter Briana and beautiful granddaughters. I'm sitting in her rocking chair that I laid claim to many years ago when we first became friends. Briana keeps saying it is hers but I know it will be mine. Just kidding. Marlan and I both love comfortable rocking chairs. I have a picture of me in it holding her youngest son when he was a baby. She sat in the other rocking chair beside me and I started laughing as I thought about how we must look sitting there holding hands and rocking away. Dwight snapped a picture with his phone. I look forward to that time we will both be healthy again, sitting on a porch somewhere - maybe at Doug's house in the mountain or at the coast somewhere rocking and talking with a nice glass of KJ. I hope Kelly recognizes the top and pants she bought me.

After we left Marlan's, we stopped by Judy's for her to check my BP. It was still good! She was outside with her youngest daughter's babies - they were swimming in a little pool. I see pictures of them all the time on FB but hardly get to see them up close and personal. Judy explained that Charli didn't have a bathing suit at her house so she was swimming in shorts. I instantly had a flashback memory I shared with Judy. My mother used to make me bloomer shorts out of chicken feed sack material. She also made me a dress one time. They put the feed in very nice fabric so women could use it to make their children clothes. In the summer time, I lived in little bloomer shorts and that's all. Our house was up the hill beside a little country store. My Mom sent me to the store to pick something up for her one day and as I was walking closer to the store, all of a sudden I realized I didn't have a top on. It had never bothered me before but I think I was five and all of a sudden, I felt embarrassed. I ran back to the house and got a shirt before I would go back. Judy laughed and said she had the very same experience when she was little. Always ran around with nothing on but shorts and then one day she realized she didn't have a shirt on. Simpler, innocent times.

After we left Judy's we got to my dental appointment right on time. She could only be so thorough and noted that my mouth being so dry has made the plaque a lot worse. They want me back in four months - couldn't do x-rays because I can't get my mouth open far enough. It was good to see Wayne though. They have new colors for their scrubs - bright blue. They work so hard to make their patients feel comfortable. Wayne only works on Mondays and Wednesdays and I know the day is coming when he will probably retire. I'll be so sad when that happens. I've tried one of the new Ensure Clear drinks. I like the Blueberry/Pomegranate one. I also tried the Strawberry Shake for a change and it was nice too. I also noticed
I had another little bleed during my Acupuncture. I have noticed a little difference in my mouth. Still dry but every so often, it feels little like I'm making a tiny bit of spit. I hope so. I looking forward to eating again but know my body might take a little bit of time getting used to it. Did not sleep well last night at all. It took awhile getting my pain back under control since I went so long without it yesterday. Dwight told me to take a nap today but I'm going to try and stay awake hoping I'll sleep better. Waiting to call Marlan to see how her PET Scan went this morning. I told her everything I could remember about mine. Hope she gets answers and a plan being put in motion very soon. Just got a text message from Patsy - she is back at the coast. I'll miss her but am very happy for her. They are going to paint this week. Can't wait to see what color she is going with. I think that is everything. Hopefully - I'm caught up on news for awhile. And again - if I've repeated myself about some things - just ignore it and keep on rocking. Ciao!
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