How sad is it that I'm just sitting here waiting until I can take more pain medication? I can't help but wonder if coming off the patch has made it harder to control with just the oxy. Or could it really just be what went on yesterday with all the stretching and exercises. Either way - it sucks. I want to be asleep and stay asleep for longer than an hour. So I'm going to sit here and do some deep breathing while I type and try to wind down so when the meds start working, I'll go to sleep. My confession is - my memory is still not great. I have to go back and try to figure stuff our from previous posts sometimes. The good thing is once I read it, I usually do remember it - or at least most of it. I guess I am experiencing in a limited way what my beautiful sister-in-law has been experiencing for a few years now. For example, last Friday I wrote about Dwight going fishing and my dear friend Geral staying with me. It turns out, Geral stayed both Monday and Tuesday night. We had so much fun getting caught up. On Tuesday, I uploaded all her pictures from her big trip to India and made a little collage of a few of them.

This was actually a dream she got to fulfill - seeing the Taj Mahal. The bottom left picture in the collage is showing how it was so hot, the heel of her tennis shoe melted off. The little pink thing above it is a public bathroom. Uh - yeah - she said it was about as much fun as it looked. I love the picture taken from a window and the one showing the reflection in her sun glasses. There were so many more but there isn't enough room. Dwight came home on Tuesday and she stayed over that night also. They had fun getting caught up and eating dinner together. I hated to see her go but she told Dwight to go fishing anytime he wants to and she will come stay with me. I sent her home with tons of clothes for her yard sale and any that Sheila might want. I also sent Sheila my bathing suit that looks like a dress over it. Sheila said she really likes it. Dwight told me he is very pleased with where GG is. I made a collage that gives you an idea.

He sent me the
top right picture when he got ready to cross the bridge and the one of GG in a white shirt was from when they had lunch together. We have been taking long ways home from appointments to try and build up the length of time I can ride in a car so I can go with him down to see her sooner than later. The other pictures are ones taken by her son on his cell phone the first week she was there. It is a very nice place and she seems to be adjusting. She is quite healthy but was diagnosed with Alzheimer's several years ago. As much as everyone hated it had come to this - everyone can breathe easier knowing she is safe. Dwight said she walked him to death. She has been walking regularly for years and doesn't know what pace yourself means. Okay - time for my medication so I will sign off and stop rambling on and on. Dwight has been snoring for several hours now.
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