I'll have to admit, Weston truly is a snuggle bunny like Betsy says. Miya totally ignored both of them so I guess she doesn't want to make them hers. I think she knew she had met her match. Aila is very inquisitive, looks at everything with that serious look on her face and doesn't miss a beat. She loved Miya's little rubber ball and held onto the wand of another Miya toy.
Aila discovered the big mirror behind the sofa and her Mom's hair. I thought she was going to pull her hair out at one point but Shelly is immune to it. She is such a good Mama.
Their Grandpa, who lives next door, came over to visit with them too. He opened my zero gravity chair and tried it out but it was much too short for him. They have long ones for tall people. He looked like he felt pretty good. They talked a little about Shelly's little boy's grand adventure with him and Gma Patsy to NYC a few weeks back.
Betsy and I were talking about how it almost feels like she has grandbabies in these two. She knows a little about having babies close. Her three girls were born about a year apart. I think that is what we used to call being a Fertile Myrtle. They had to leave before I was ready for them to go. They were going back over to their Aunt's house. She is having dinner for them and their brother who is visiting from Bethel. I know they are all looking forward to being together. While they were all here, Vera stopped by to see when I want to do my return visits. We decided on Wednesday morning. I hope I find them at home. I'm really looking forward to it. I love this picture of Weston. He is all boy. In line with that, I found out he likes to torture his poor sister. I have a feeling she will be able to hold her own though.
Aila will only let about 4 people hold her these days so imagine how thrilled I was that she let me hold her for a few minutes before they left. Her pictures really don't show just how exquisite she is. Wow - my cup definitely runneth over today. Felt so good to have two sweet babies in the house. Also to have these two remarkable women I have known for so many years. I am so proud of both of them. But wait - there is one more happy, happy thing that took place. Just as they were getting into the car, there was a tiny bit of rain. Before they got on the road good - the bottom "finally" fell out and we got a few minutes of really good rain.
It thundered a few times but I didn't really expect to see any rain because it has been hitting everywhere but here. It was nice to feel it cool off if only for a few minutes. I'll be so glad when this heat wave we have been having for so long will end. So I think I'll just relax or a bit and reflect on what a nice day I have had today. I'm tired but it is a good tired.
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