I took a picture of one of my new outfits Page ordered from jjill. It is a little blurry but you get the idea. We were on the highway when we got a call from my surgeons office telling me he had just been called away on an emergency. They rescheduled me for next Tuesday at 2pm. We pulled off and headed over to Durham Regional to see Ennis. Dwight let me off at the front door (because it was hot, hot, hot) and I went on up. I made a wrong turn and got quite a bit of walking exercise in before I found her room. Tony said she had just

gotten off the phone with her oldest son and talked quite awhile. He said she was improving but they are still waiting for the results of the MRI. He said they have been told to start looking for a good rehab to help with her total recovery. I got to spend a little alone time with her when Dwight and Tony were talking in the hallway. I was rubbing her forehead while noticing how smooth her skin is and how thick her beautiful hair is. I asked her if she knew what was happening to her when it happened and she said no. In a way I'm glad. We were both happy to see her doing so well. When I was leaving I told her not to kick her leg too high. She smiled and I asked her if she remembered and she said yes. Sorry, it is a private joke. I joined the guys in the hallway and took the opportunity to tell Tony about
our plans this coming November.
It will be the first time in years we will not all be at the coast together. Tony suggested we still go for the last of December which would work for us. When I told Jen, she said with everything that is going on, they can't really make any plans for anything right now. Since we had the CO last week, we had our oral review tonight. Matt sat with me during the meeting and I got to make several comments. It felt good. There are quite a few new ones in our congregation now that I haven't met yet. I'm sure I will soon. I got to associate a little more tonight and it was nice being with everyone. I picked up some of this months magazines and hope to make some return visits next week. Matt brought me home and had some of Dwight's latest pasta dish. He said it was delicious - of course. I decided to wear the same top I
wore earlier today with my white linen skirt Patsy had given me. I love both of them and decided to wear my saucy flip flops I bought for a nice summer anniversary party awhile back. They seemed a little loose on me. As a matter of fact, my nice crock flip flops are a bit loose also. I lost weight in my feet? Anyway - I got a lot of complements on my shoes. So right as the meeting started, my beautiful Linda walked by on her way to her seat and handed me something in a pretty little black and white bag. I opened it and pulled out this picture! She had printed and framed it for me after seeing what I wrote about it on my blog. How sweet was that? Her little boy came back to talk to Matt and we noticed he had poison oak on his face. Matt told Linda about a powder she can buy, mix it with water, soak thin cloth in it (like a diaper or cheese cloth) and lay it on the rash. Dwight and I have both used it and it works pretty well. So all in all, it has been a pretty good day. It is after 11:30pm and I'm wide awake but not too worried. I just heard a noise and realized Dwight is snoring up a storm. Oh well. I'm getting excited - Lori was telling me they might drive through the night so that means if they do that, they will be on the road in 7 days. Yea! So that's all folks - have a wonderful night.
Love the new outfit! Can Paige go shopping for me ;-) So glad you were able to enjoy the meeting and get some comments in!!! That's Great! Glad you were able to see Mae and that she was talking and remembering. That's good! Love you!