Of course Kurt had to wear one of his favorite shirts. A friend of his owns this company.
The girls went to the beach for a swim and to play in the water for awhile. They had a great time but were SO ready to have a shower when they got back. They said the water was great until the tide started coming back in and then it was rough. We went to Verizon in Morehead so I could get my wireless set up down here. The young man who helped me was wonderful. I almost had an episode and we decided I should come home. I was hoping to go with them to WalMart. Kelly picked me up a new pair of bedroom shoes and Jessie bought a mattress pad to use while here and then to be taken home to use on Page's bed.
It is official - my nails are back to their "normal". First a thumb and index nail broke right at the quick followed by a middle nail splitting down the middle so I grabbed Jessie's clippers and cut them all very short. Makes me sad because I really enjoyed having strong nails for the first time in my life. On the other hand, maybe it means I'm getting back to normal?
Kelly asked me to keep her diamonds safe while she was at the beach so she put them in my ears! Hello - I'll be happy to keep them safe. Hope she doesn't forget where she put them. ;) The ones in the back are the ones Ann gave me right before she died. I took my little ones out a few weeks ago to clean them and realized earlier this week - I don't have them. I put them in a little white gift box that had cotton in it and was sitting beside my chair at home. I fear - really, really fear I may have thrown the box away - forgetting I had put them in there. I've looked everywhere for them and can't find them so I'm going to forget it for now and pray they just turn up somewhere soon. Dwight bought them for me on one of our wedding anniversaries so that makes it even sadder.
This is how humid it was this evening right before the mosquitoes started eating us. Dwight made one of his famous pasta dishes loaded with shrimps, scallops, heavy cream and fettuccine. Everyone loved it so much there was none left (and I didn't eat any). Dwight said there was two to three pounds of shrimps and scallops in it so does that tell you how good it was?
It is hard to realize day two has come and almost gone. The good thing is we have stuck to our promises to ourselves - we are going to take it easy, relax and enjoy each other and one of our favorite places in the world without the stress of "having" to do things. Kelly told me they are going to take a break from the beach tomorrow but we may go to Beaufort. I talked with Patsy today and we may go down to her place at EI on Wednesday. The ocean is much better down there and she really wants us to do that if we can. She is so generous. If we do, I plan to go also. I can take my chair and relax there as easily as I can here. It will be up to the kids though.
relax enjoy give my love to all