I started taking Tussein again yesterday - just two small doses a day to see if getting rid of some of this mucous will help me stop getting
so sick every day. I am tired of feeling so bad all the time. Debbie came by before the meeting to pick up the pimento cheese Dwight had bought her. She was looking forward to taking it home to snack on. She also wanted to let me know she would not be able to go to the coast any time soon. I certainly understand. She will celebrate her 25th year of pioneering at the end of this month. She has been such a good example to so many but especially to me. I listened in to the meeting and enjoyed Dwight's talk. He really is an good speaker. The WT study was excellent. I used the WT I had downloaded and studied really well. I'm going to start doing it that way awhile. After I mark it, I can send it to my Kindle which I will take to the meetings. It will cut down on how many books I have to take to the meetings which will be a big help for me.

I had let Toni know I had two Saree's that were given to me by a former BS of Vera's. She had even showed me how to wrap them. I found a site on-line that shows many different ways to wear them and shared that with Toni too. The one above is the more formal of the two and is big enough to wrap in many exotic ways. I find it to be heavy so would probably only wear it in cooler weather.
I love the vibrant color of this one and it is much lighter. The fabric is very nice and the color looks great on Toni.
I also gave her this poncho. I either bought it from a shop in Chapel Hill that sold cool items from countries like Peru or my ex-boss brought it to me from one of her trips overseas when she bought her own. Either way, I have only worn it several times and feel Toni will get more use out of it.
Clay and Dwight got caught up with their fishing stories and at my request, he went back and looked at the tile around my tub. I was going to see if he would remove and re-do it but he and said it could be fixed so that it will look much better. He doesn't really do tile work anymore and has started his own business so I hope he will be able to find the time. He said he might could do it on Wednesday. As I was writing this and looking at the pictures, I remembered that I was the coordinator for their wedding. It rained that day and we had some mishaps in the dressing room but everything worked out beautifully and the reception was very nice. At the end of they day - they were "hitched".
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