Another one of those "I can't believe" it posts. I can't believe it has been seventy-three years today since this beautiful person was brought into this world at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, NC. I know I have written some of this about her before so if you don't want to read it again, just skip over it.

That means she was around six or seven years old when this school picture was made. She was Mama and Daddy's third little girl and the first one born in a hospital - Rex Hospital, Raleigh, NC. Mama told me right up until she was born, she was planning to name her Carmen if she was a girl but one of Mama's nurses loved the name Alice so Mama named her Alice Rose. My oldest sister, Barbara Ann had very blonde hair and extremely fair skin. Alice was just the opposite with dark brown hair and very dark skin like Mama's. Alice is almost seven years older than me and has always acted quite motherly toward me from the very first. Mother had to go to work after my baby sister was born so Alice's "natural mothering nature" kicked into over-drive then.
She is what my Mother's generation called a "worry-wart" and that is putting it mildly. She "hates" having to make decisions about anything and used to question and re-question everything before finally making one. She would not only drive herself crazy - she would drive those around her nuts too. lol I used to get upset with her and tell Mama she was driving me crazy and Mama would
always say - "but ain't she sweet." I always had to laugh and admit she is sweet
for the most part. lol She has always been very well-groomed, has good taste in clothes and all of the kids have known since they were born to - as she would say - "don't touch my hair". Her hair has gotten even thinner as she has gotten older so once it is fixed, she doesn't want anyone to get near it. At times I have thought that my blase' attitude has been the result of my being
determined to not be so up-tight and/or worried about what other people think like she was coupled with the fact that I was born in the first year of the Baby Boomer Generation. Because of my parents and older sisters, I also had the influence of the 50's, 60's and 70's.

Alice and her dear hubby, Sidney, have always taken a personal interest in me - even when I was a young girl. Of course, I was also the perfect age to be a built in baby sitter. As a result, I have always felt very close to her children as my children have felt to her and Sidney. She learned the truth first and I tell her I learned it later "in spite of her". We laugh about it because I definitely understand how hard it was for her to not talk to me about it once I started studying but that is another reason for our very close relationship - we are sister/sisters. We both treasure that. I can't express how much I love Alice and Sidney - I get cards, notes, poems, visits and phone calls from them both all the time. They not only make sure I know they love me, they also make me laugh. I not only love them both very much but I also treasure so many memories of my time with them through the years. Love you Big Al and Big Sid........2lbs