I guess I shouldn't call Linda a "girl" anymore since she is a wife and mother to three but the truth is, she will always be one of "my girls". I met Linda many years ago when Douglas still lived at home. A young man (Seth) who was studying started coming to our Book Study. In time, he brought his fiancee with him. I was asked if I wanted to study with her and of course, I said
absolutely. In the meantime, Seth moved to his Aunt's in the mountains so that she could study and learn for herself what she really wanted to do. Once she decided to become a publisher, she went up to his Aunt's house with his Step-Mom and they eloped while she was there. When they came back, I had them over and we had a nice gift for them from all of us along with a little cake and some flowers.
This picture was made in January of 1998. Douglas and Jessie had just gotten married the September before this. Their oldest daughter is only three months older than my granddaughter. When she was studying, she used to come here for her study and at times we had it in my room on my bed. Before the study was over, we would both be laying down holding the books up so we could read them. Dwight has always considered her as one of his also and thinks the world of her. I totally enjoyed my visit with her today as always. We talked about tons of stuff including her and Seth's new home and her Mom. Dwight and I are hoping we will be able to get out there to see the inside of it one day when it is sunny outside. We talked about how much we both love our congregation and how happy we are to see how much it has grown. Seth is giving the talk at the North congregation Sunday and I so wish I could go. After hearing me cough all day she is convinced I have a rotten cold so I don't know if I will be going to any congregation Sunday. I do not want to contaminate anyone else. I have always loved how much she and Seth love each other and are each other's champion. They truly appreciate and treasure each other and their beautiful children. Dwight got home not long after she left and he wanted to know if she was okay - isn't that sweet? She is as pretty if not prettier than she was in this picture right after they got married. Probably because she is as beautiful inside as she is outside and kindness personified.

I also wanted to share this picture with you guys. If you look to the right on my blog, you will see a blog I follow called Geninne's Art Blog. She is without a doubt, one of the best artists I have come across. I don't think there is anything she can't do. Since I LOVE Poppies so much, I had to share this calender front she painted for the month of March. You can go on her blog and download the calender to your desktop if you like it. I have almost all of them since she started doing them. Oh - and if you are wondering, yes, that is my Kelly on the sofa with Linda and Seth. And - Dwight talked to her today and she is enjoying Vegas. :)
when I first saw their picture, I thought "wow, they still look so young!" then I noticed Kelly and her hair and realized it must have been a while ago. Then I realized that it was taken in '98, and honestly, they still look almost as young as they do in this picture. Seth did a great job on his talk today. Saw him on Friday at wholefoods too. I hope you are feeling better soon. We wanted to come visit you this week but didn't because Emerson, Kenna and I all had the stomach bug, now we find out you are sick too. Hopefully you will feel better soon. Love you.