Wow - time really does fly after you reach your 60's. I thought they sped up when I hit my 50's but these past 6 years have literally flown by. Here we are in another Spring and it actually feels like it.

I keep forgetting to share this picture of GG with her two beautiful daughters, Pam and Deborah, that was taken last month. GG doesn't look 83 years old does she? She is surrounded by many new friends and is very active these days. It keeps a smile on our faces every time we think or talk about it how happy she is. Deborah came by this week and I rode with her down to GG's house. We wanted to see it now that someone is living in it. The only thing we noticed different was a small child's bicycle under the carport. It just doesn't feel right anymore. We are happy a young family is living there and know they are going to enjoy it. We didn't see "Socks" anywhere. Socks is a cat that is owned by one of GG's old neighbors but she fed him and he was in and out of her house as if it was his. I know he must miss GG - I know I do.

I snatched this picture of Marie and her little boy off Facebook. Doesn't she look great? I still miss her but am happy that they are doing so well where they are. She has plenty of pioneers to work with and a very large territory. I would love to hear about some of her studies. Hopefully we will find some time sooner than later to get caught up.
I had a big disappointment yesterday. Rick had called and told me he was bringing Cathy to see me because she was having a fit to see for herself how I am doing. He said he was going to ask Judy and Steve to come by too and that Cathy might want to spend the night with me. I told Alice and Sidney to plan on stopping by too. He said they would be here around 3:30pm so Dwight decided to cook a grill of BBQ chicken for everyone. I called Judy to see what time they were coming and to let them know Dwight was cooking chicken and she said they were on their way over to Marlan's for the Duke game! She didn't know anything about Cathy coming so I called Rick and he was
UBER-embarrased! He had just gotten back in town very late from a two day trip to Kansas the night before and had forgotten all about it. He hurriedly called the sister who was supposed to bring Cathy to meet him to see where she was. It turns out she had tried to contact him to let him know she wasn't coming. To make a long story shorter - Cathy wasn't coming. SO - Dwight got Steve and Boyd to come over and get some of the chicken, mashed potatoes and cole slaw and he is going to take care of the rest it. I enjoyed the WT study for today and hated that I couldn't make it. to the meeting. I woke up for awhile during the night last night and add to that losing an hour and I definitely overslept. So I was so glad to be able to hook up to the meeting. The next thing I remember is waking up during the last song and the prayer. Dwight was laughing out loud at me. He said I was leaning way back in the chair with my Bible and WT open and that when I wasn't snoring
very loudly I was talking in my sleep. I told him I was talking because I was dreaming about being at the meeting and commenting and talking to the friends -
it was so real. I guess listening in my sleep made it real.

I thought I would close with one of my favorite sights this time of the year. Dwight's Mom had several Forsythia bushes in her yard and would bring tons of the branches inside and put them in large containers. I loved them and still do but they will not grow in my yard. Most things will not grow in this yard.
Haha dreaming you're at the meeting while listening to the meeting ;) Sorry the plans fell through yesterday and you didn't get to visit with your friends :( It was so hard to make it to the meeting this morning, I thought I set an alarm, but didnt some how and we woke up at 8:45 and rushed to get ready...so hard to rush when you've got a newborn to feed! But we made it, and were 3 minutes late, I hate being late :( I love forsythia bushes! I've always wanted one too!