The first thing I noticed was this small plant coming up where one of the three original azaleas had been planted. I have to wonder if it is an off-shoot of one of them. I'm hoping that if I leave it alone, maybe it will thrive.

The second thing I noticed was my little Magnolia tree has produced a big flower!!! I was surprised and pleased. I had wondered if it would ever have any flowers so I'm pretty happy to see that it will. I'm not sure how big the tree will get since it is very close to another tree but I'm going to watch and hope it will do well.
The next thing I noticed was this tiny little tree trying to grow beside the back steps. What is it about this soil? Most things will not grow in it at all but it appears trees of all kinds love it. Go figure.
I have to share a picture of Biscuit in the bathrobe we gave her. Page outgrew it and we always pass them down to her. She loves Cinderella so I think she is pretty happy here - sweet girl.
And how can I NOT share a picture of sweet Piglet with his new baby sister. He has done so well since she has been born. His Mommy is very happy about that.I have to share this picture because of how this little girl is holding her mouth. Dwight's nieces, Deborah and Pam, both do their mouths like this and it cracks us up. Every time I look at this picture, it makes me smile.
I'm sharing this picture of some old friends from Cary so that Kelly and Douglas can see them. I haven't seen them in several years but ran across this picture on Facebook. They both look great.
This last picture speaks for itself and yes - I love it. I think if we were honest, we have all had times when we felt this would have been very appropriate but I'm not going to share who I'm thinking about. Nope - not going to say - "mum's the word".
To close, I have to say I feel much better today and part of the reason is I have taken my medication the way my pain management doctor suggested. It is still rough going for 8 hours but I think my body will get used to that. Once it starts feeling comfortable, maybe then I can think about reducing the amount again but this time, I will do it much slower than I tried to do this last time. If it turns out that I absolutely have to have help to cope with the pain, I will deal with that when the time comes. I also got a call confirming my appointment to be fitted for a CPAP machine next week. I am going to try very hard to get used to it because I know eventually, I will feel much better if I do. My sleep apnea isn't severe but according to the information we saw, it still robs you of the rest you need. Wow - am I growing up here? Hope springs eternal...........
Biscuit LOVES her new robe...THANK YOU!!