He is a healthy baby boy and we are looking forward to meeting him this month.

We also have a new baby girl on the scene - Patsy's newest granddaughter. Aren't babies fun?

I wanted my kids to see D & J's oldest granddaughter playing soccer and going to her very first formal. Kids grow up too fast!!!

I love these pictures of Page standing in a place they found called Foamhenge. Yeah - a funny take on Stonehenge. Dwight just talked to Doug who said they have had a great day including fishing, good food and the pictures above.

Geral came up and spent yesterday afternoon through last night with me. When Dwight got back from his fishing trip today, he tried to talk her into staying another night and letting him cook her some of the fish he caught. We were disappointed she wasn't able to but are still happy when she is able to come be with us for a little while.

The last time we saw Vincent, he wasn't looking good at all. He had lost a ton of weight and his little back was all messed up. Jessie found some new cat food that has worked a miracle. He not only feels much better but he looks great! You would never know he is 16 years old would you?
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