I like to open the window while I'm taking a shower (it only shows your head) so I can look out and keep the steam from building up so bad. It was a nice crisp morning and made the hot water feel even better. I noticed some of my flowers are still hanging on even though the temp has gotten into the 30's. I'm not sure how much longer they will be around...

Of course, I have to also show you what I like to call Yard Art - or should I say Big D's Yard Art? He sees absolutely nothing wrong with this picture! Sadly, my dear hubby has no interest at all in yard work and I can't say I do either but I would like to have the yard and around the house kept neat. Don't even mention the back yard off the deck!

The leaves are really bad this year so I suggested to Big D we buy ourselves another leaf blower for our anniversary this year! He said he had been thinking about it so I think he will. I also had a great Medical appointment with my cancer specialist. My BP was very high with the new digital machine they used and I insisted they take it again after they drew my blood, etc., and it was where it usually is - a tiny bit high but not as high as before! The doctor brought the results of the blood work with him and was very pleased. He then gave me a good examination, asked lots of questions and was very pleased - will be going back in March. I felt very pleased when I left. They offered me a cancer ribbon pin to wear - the only colors they had were blue and pink (mine is lime green and they didn't have that color) so I took pink in memory of my dear friend and her daughter who were both taken by breast cancer.

Then we had brunch at Cracker Barrel and met my sister at the seminar she wanted to attend to find out about the supplemental insurance they use for their Medicare. Yep - Big D is going to be on Medicare as of December. When did THAT happen? I was just as confused when I left as I was when we went in. Time is rushing toward us pretty rapidly these days. After I got home, I checked in with some Blogs I follow and ordered a delightful little gift for Page 2.

I ordered the Pink Little (wrist) Cuff, which is also hand embroidered, lined with linen, and has a layer of fleece for more comfort from a woman who makes delightful things and lives in France. How cool is that? Who else in Troutville Elementary will have this? Too cool! She was so excited yesterday - she did so well on some of her papers including several that she made 102 on (they give extra when extra effort was shown) and told her Mom - I HAVE to call Page 1 - then to Page 1 - You aren't going to believe this - I made 102 on my math paper. I'm not sure how that can happen - do you know how that can happen? When Page 1 said - No - I don't - she said I don't either but I did it - I made a 102. Page 1 is feeling the money leave her bank account as she is listening - she has set up a reward program in $$ to go into a special savings account for grades and effort. Sweet. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law who keeps me in the Page 2 loop! It was a bright, sunny day so I enjoyed being out and about. Came home and plugged away at more de-cluttering. Eileen is meeting me tomorrow at Costco to pick up flowers for the luncheon Sunday and wants to come home and help me clean - that should be interesting since I'm still trying to put things away. STUFF!!!!!
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