Have so much to do before I'm supposed to leave tomorrow and here I sit writing in my on-line journal! Doesn't that sound better than blog? I don't know how much internet time I'll have while I'm at the coast so want to post this memory before it gets lost in time. Had a very nice visit from a dear high school friend, and her daughter Ami who were up from Florida visiting her Mom.

I loved this picture Ami took of Ruth and her Mom, Dorothy. I believe this is the first time I've seen Ami since her grandfather died in 2004. Okay - that still makes me sad to even have to say it. Page put the picture of me sitting in his lap in a lawn chair at the lake in my 40th Anniversary Love Book. That was my last trip to Gaston Lake with them - good memory. There is also one of me sitting in Dorothy's lap. Anyway, it was good being with her and getting caught up. I love it when she and her Mom both laugh at the same time - such beautiful faces.

I love this picture of three generations - Ruth, Ami and Alex. Even though Ruth's children were raised so many miles away, they - like my Page and Little D - grew up knowing all about Ruth's enduring friendship with me and Big D and have always felt a part of each other's lives from afar. They downloaded almost 400 pictures to my laptop of various adventures they have enjoyed including rodeo events

(how is that for riding a horse) and a great family beach trip. Big D and I keep saying we are going down for a visit and I really would love to see their new house. I haven't been down since 1998 and that was when I was on a business trip and we had dinner.

As I recall - that was my first fire ant experience and hopefully my last. I had no idea how painful the little monster's bites were. Had blister and my whole leg ached. We have had a lot of them here over the past few years. I avoid them like the plague. Deep breath here - time passes by so fast these days - maybe I'm feeling it more because it is getting dark so early? Yeah - maybe that's it. :-( I want to really slow down and enjoy this upcoming week with my family and close friends.
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