Oh yeah - I am in full blown Type A personality shut down. Have way too much to get accomplished in way too short a period of time so what do I do? I BLOG! Hello? Only a few more photos I fell in love with then I have to haul myself out of this chair! Hopefully, my next post will be of the lovely luncheon I'm planning. I love this time of year because of the colors including these.

Aren't they gorgeous? And of course we can't forget our little critters. Another praying mantis that is seeing his last days bless his heart. We have seen so many of these insects this week are are moving slower and slower and a few of them have just stopped in their little tracks. One was a spider not much different from the one you see in the web here.

So that leaves only two more pictures on my desktop that I put there for some reason or another that I can't recall. One is of my dahlink Katarina and her baby girl

I really like this "drawing" of them she created on FaceBook. The other is of

The waterfall under the bridge with the Watchtower sign lit up. That sign always makes my heart feel warm, cozy and safe. It represents what I feel has been watching over me these past 43 years like nothing else can. Hmmm - I guess that means I have run out of reasons (excuses) for getting busy and need to get up from here and get to work. I'm waiting to get some pictures from Page1 and her friends - they arrived in Florida yesterday safe and sound for their girl's weekend! She said the weather was great and I know they will have a ball.
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