Snagged this picture from an email my Leah sent - had to share because it makes me think of Page2. Been a busy day today which isn't a bad thing in itself. Got to bed extra late but woke up extra early - why don't I do that on service days? Hmmm something to ponder later. My friend from down east had TM me earlier in the week to say she was riding up to this area with her hubby for a KH build several towns over. I TM back and asked if that meant we would be able to get together? She TM today saying she was coming in the morning to go in service with me so color me the little girl to the left! That's how it made me feel. This means two of my friends - Fran and Eileen - will be able to meet since they have heard about each other but never met. Color me happy. We finally got the mattress, box springs and foam

mattress cover over to Roseanne's to be taken to Lauren when she is ready for it. Roseanne got her cast off - another little girl above moment! She has a brace now - hope it does okay since it has only been 5 weeks since the break. Is that possible - only 5 weeks? So much has happened in that 5 weeks but I'll not dwell on that right now - keep my little girl happy moment going. See what I mean about her? Doesn't she just fit every happy thought? I'm hoping Roseanne will join us tomorrow but she thinks not since she has made plans to go to VA. Since I got up early this morning I decided to be productive

since I couldn't eat or drink coffee - had a 10:15am appointment to have my BP checked and guess what? I forgot to take the stupid pill last night. I know - the phone - I did it - I now have a reminder in my phone every day to take that stupid pill. Anyway - I got all my studying for tonight done before 8:30AM - WOW - have I learned a lesson here? Hope springs eternal. After the BP check I picked up groceries where I bought some beautiful tulips and sunflowers - I know they aren't going to last long (which is why I could afford so many) but they were so

gorgeous I couldn't resist. The tulips smell just like honey - I kept picking them up and smelling them so much in the store people were asking to smell them. :-) On my way home from the store I called Ruth in FL to see how she was doing and she was babysitting her son's baby girl Paige! It was good to get caught up and I'm going to try to do better with that. On our way home from Roseanne's, Big D stopped by Paschall's as they were closing and picked up some chili to go with a hot dog(s) he cooked when he got home. There were two signs but the other one is so old I couldn't make out some of the words. I think it says - H & R Block, Paschall's Grill and Barber Shop. I looks like it has been burned. I just know this place has been here

forever but it isn't what it used to be - except for the chili. The recipe is passed on to each new owner - I know this because my sister Ruth and her hubby bought it back in the 80's for a few years and it was the cutest little 50's still diner you have ever seen with good food. Everyone used to go there for lunch - saw the Mayor in there frequently. They had to agree to use the original chili recipe and did but Ruth added some of her own recipes including pinto beans and banana pudding. BigD picked up the mail and found a sweet card Page2 made me. Me thinks she is looking forward to coming to stay with me some this summer. I hope so because I'm looking forward to having her. Now that we have the mattress out of the back room, I can get it ready for her. I have stuff piled everywhere because YES - I am finally really doing it - de-cluttering. Doing it a little at a time so everyone will just have to put up with the piles of "stuff" I have already pulled out (as will I). I warned Fran and of course she said, "you know I won't mind" and I had to smile since she has no idea how bad it is! LOL. OK - is everyone ready for their Page2 Moment? Leah called to say Page2's class is studying family life including how families come about. Page2 asked her Mommy - what do they call the boy's part? Leah said they call it a p _ _ _ s. Page2 said, it sounds like a "sickness"! Oh yeah - is she smart or what? Yep - I do believe she is.
Hope you have a great day in service with your lovely down east friend :) Say hi to them for me -I haven't seen them since August. Love the card Page2 drew for you too :)