I look at this picture and have to ask myself, how could anyone look at this and not smile? When I think of what these two lovely young people were going through just a short while ago, this picture brings pure joy to my heart. Look at our Pat and how handsome he looks in his "Clark Kent" glasses? And when you look at his "lovely" bride, how can you help but notice how her blue eyes match that pretty dress?
LOL. It was so good to see them if only for a little while last Saturday at the wedding. I know Roseanne is smiling inside every time she thinks of how well they are doing now. Unless you notice his crutch or know details, you would be hard pressed to believe the horrifying days until we knew he would recover at all. And then of course there is Biscuit. I snatched this picture of Biscuit with

two of her friends. I love the way Kenna is looking at her wondering how those little short legs and tiny feet can move her so fast. Look at little Mama Claire making sure she is okay. I love seeing the pictures of these little ones as they are growing up. Such wonderful memories they are making - their Mom's are all doing a wonderful job of making sure they have life-long friends. It was surreal to read the obituary of my friend in the paper today. There was a lovely picture of her that brought back so many memories of when I first met her and then later in life when we re-connected regarding our children. If you saw the picture it would be hard to imagine her being sick. I want to remember her exactly as she looks in the picture and take

great comfort in knowing she is no longer suffering. Okay - things to make us smile - how can we not smile when we see two beautiful young people start their married lives together? This was taken as they had just been hitched and were walking back down the aisle "together forever". I'm enjoying her posts about what her days are like right now. She is definitely still in the bloom of being a newlywed - hope that bloom lasts a long, long time. So these are just a few of the things I can smile about today. That and the blue sky, white clouds and pretty flowers I bought for myself yesterday. I can also smile for
BigD doing what he loves best - fishing with his friends at the coast. That he likes his new phone and sent me a picture late yesterday when he crossed the Chesapeake Bay.

That Kurt, Leah and Page are happy and healthy and school will be out next week so they will all get a much deserved break. That Page2 loves her

new summer outfit - especially the hat and necklace. That Page1's project is complete - done, done, done and then done! It has been unbelievably stressful to her and I smile really big when I think about it being over. Hope she has a wonderful and relaxing weekend. That Bentley can relax and enjoy the next few months and our big family vacation in August knowing his surgery will be done how, where and by whom he wants later. That Roseanne's youngest daughter not only knows how to survive huge disappointments but knows how to find

things to smile about also - with a gorgeous new ring! That Kurt, Leah and Page know the same secret I know - owning and loving a cat is a wonderful thing. Holding them close, letting them sleep on your chest while you notice your breathing slows down, your pulse rate slows, your mind relaxes and you remember that

LIFE is GOOD. It isn't as good as when you hold your babies like that - sometimes for the whole four hours between their feedings but it is a close second. I get so much pleasure from rubbing my cat it makes me feel sorry for those who are
repulsed by it. Roseanne and I are going to the memorial for our friend together tomorrow and then on Sunday, we are going to catch a movie. I slept late today (not getting any sleep and all the stress of this week finally caught up with me) so I decided to get a few more things done in the house. Hopefully I'll get enough taken care of that
BigD will notice it. Hope springs eternal.
Life goes on obladi oblada. love you.