Mama definitely knew what she was talking about when she said time flew by like a bullet after you turn 60. The year is almost half way gone --- and it has been a pretty eventful year so far. I took this picture with my phone in service today - I love how the roots look against the moss. We all decided it warranted a place in my on-line journal. The only thing that would have made it better would have been nice mushrooms. I talked with my sister Ann today - she sounded hoarse but better than when she was in the hospital. I can tell she is very weak. I hated to tell her it would be at least 3 weeks before we came since my other sister Ruth is having surgery next week. She is having a cataract removed from her eye. She said okay but I think she may have been a little disappointed. When we talked about me coming earlier she had mentioned the

long weekend over July 4th as being a good time. I told her it might work out that way but that means I will be gone a little longer to avoid the holiday traffic. My friend Gene is going to work out the scenic route with me. I forgot to take my camera when Mae, Judee and I visited with Cat Monday night. It was nice being able to see Cat twice - she was in town for some surgery and was able to attend Betty's memorial service last Saturday. I knew Cat

was hoping to spend a little more time than that with Mae so Judee and I worked it out and were glad we did. It was nice to have Cat's son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter come home before we left. I know it seems crazy since they are only 20 plus minutes down the road but they are as busy as we are. It was nice to steal a few minutes to be together and remember good times. We took a few with my telephone but they were quite blurry as you can see. These three women have played important roles in my life for over 40 years. Cat studied with me, Mae's daughter Judee was my pioneer partner when she was still a teenager and helped me raise my children and her Mom and Dad have always been so

wonderful to me and my family over the years. Sadly, we hardly get to see each other between living across town (Cat in another town) and being so busy but when we get together, the time falls away and it is like we have never been apart. I was supposed to go to my friends house for their family study but we got back late so I cancelled and we went out to dinner for good wine, good food and great conversation. I was just looking at some pictures I took of our

young pioneer and her family. Her sister and her husband are going on a special assignment to Africa - the Congo. They are so excited and will be helping to build Kingdom Halls while there. I know Rie enjoyed having all of them (including her lovely Mom) spend some time with her before they left - and what better place to be together than in service! Of course I have to share a picture I snatched from FB of Kenna

while she was at the beach. All the pictures her Mom took were great but this one caught my eye in a big way. I couldn't pass it up. You will have to admit it is gorgeous. She is such a combination of the people she came from in looks and personality. Thankfully, I like all of them. :-) I forgot to share a picture I took of the banana bread Roseanne had fixed for our dinner last Saturday night. One word - Yum. Her dear hubby insisted I also had to share a picture of his Sangria - he thought the color of the limes was to die for.

I hate to admit it but he is right - the colors of the limes are gorgeous - even in a picture. As you all know already, I LOVE dragonflies - I had to take this picture of Roseanne's serving plate before she put the fresh asparagus in it. No matter how many times I hinted (strongly) how much I would love to have it, she pretty much said - No! What does that mean? Just kidding

Roseanne. You will notice the wine bottle in the background - yep I took over a bottle of my coveted Kendall Jackson I had gotten on sale. Roseanne is the one who introduced me to this lovely chardonnay and I wanted to share it with them. You will have to admit that is a wonderful picture of a dragonfly. I have always loved these little creatures - with their delicate wings and slender bodies - especially the colors of them. I also have to share these pictures of Biscuit in her pretty little bathing suit and hat! Look at those eyes - I also have a Page2 story to share but can't remember the last two lines so will wait until I check with Leah to post it here. One of those comments you never want to forget.

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