Even though this is one of my favorite times of the year - the relief (barely so far)from unrelenting heat, the subtle change in colors of the leaves, the crispness in the morning and evening air which are all good. On the flip side - the days growing shorter, the realization that another year is quickly passing by with only 13 Mondays left and this year marking the loss of some special people in my life. I stayed home yesterday and today with my tummy again - just not quite sure what is going on but today I decided to pamper it and see how that goes. I had some yummy potato, onion
and butter soup with fried cornbread patties earlier and tonight I had chicken and broccoli with a little steamed riced. My tummy is still tender to the touch but isn't as bad as it has been off and on for over two weeks now. We got some much needed rain starting last night and lasting off and on throughout the day. It finally feels like Autumn is really here to stay. Big D is going fishing with his friends Wednesday evening for a long weekend and I so hope he catches tons of fish. Poor baby - his last trip was a big disappointment to him. Roseanne and her family got home from their wonderful vacation at the beach and everyone had a great time.
My dear friend Rie and her sweet hubby and family went camping up at the lake this past week since the boys are in year round school and the weather was supposed to be so nice. I snatched these pictures from FB - it's where I get tons of my pictures of friends these days. So much easier than trying to send and receive them via email.
These are two sweet little boys and full of energy - almost as much energy as her hubby. I tell her all the time she is raising 3 boys. I haven't seen her since she has been back but hope to tomorrow - tummy willing.
Gerl and I went to a dear friend's wedding anniversary party Saturday afternoon and it was lovely. They have a very large family with many children and grandchildren and
the food was delicious. There were only a few people there other than family so we felt pretty special, especially when she insisted on us being in pictures with them. I guess the highlight of the party for me was when one of her brothers kept asking everyone who the "white chick" was. I think I was a little flattered to be called "chick" at this age and told him to stop his flirting which made him even worse. He was sweet. After we left there, we drove by our dear friend's house who has been very ill. A lot of her very large family were with her and it was good to see her awake and surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her grandson, Keith, who is one of my favorite people in the world has been keeping me up to date on how things are progressing. After we left there, we picked Big D up from his friends house where they were having a fish-fry. He did all the cooking except for some potatoes, pinto beans and a chocolate-eclair cake. He fixed big plates of everything for Gerl and SheilaB to have and they told me later how wonderful it was. Ruth is still in town with her brother - he seems to be ....hmmm... what is the word - maintaining? He is still in the hospital and they are talking about another chemo treatment but we aren't sure yet. I know she is exhausted and feels like her world has become pretty surreal with her family being so far away.
Eileen and her hubby are going to finally get back down to their place at EI and even though it is supposed to rain some there this week - as Eileen always says - I would rather be in the rain at EI than in the sunshine at home. Think I'll finish my fresh banana, blueberry, mango smoothie with greek yogurt and go to bed. Maybe it will rain hard to help me sleep. Not sure if Page has access to computers to see my blog while she is in Europe but if so - good-night Page - love you - miss you.
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