I had just taken down the wonderful sympathy cards we had received for Barbara's death and I started getting thank you cards - from Page and Bentley for gifts given to them at the coast and for the flowers we sent for Bentley's surgery as well as one from Gerl for her party and two nice ones from Rosanne just because. I love cards and if I had a nicer handwriting I would send
tons of them. I appreciate people taking the time to go out, pick out and purchase a card that always seems to say exactly what you need to hear, sitting down and writing a nice expression in it, addressing it and "paying" to have it sent in the mail to you. Here it is Thursday night and most of my flowers are "holding on" which still brings a smile to my face every time I look at them - especially the gorgeous hydrangea's right beside my chair. They have lasted longer than any of these kinds I have every had. Made myself go to the meeting tonight. I got a little nap this afternoon and feel that helped. I was feeling a little better this morning when I went for my monthly checkup with the doctor and then my tummy did some more tricks most of the afternoon. Feels good that I made it tonight - also that I got to have a nice conversation with one of my favorite people - Jeri.
who is Rosemary???