Slept in this morning which was nice since I was to bed late - kind of like now. Had a need to record the day for some reason - nothing
fantabulous (like my new word?) but just a need to put it down.
After we gave Miya her medicine, I studied my WT for the meeting (it was exactly what I needed). BigD ran an errand including going over to Ruth's Mom's house to drive and check out their car. He made a nice breakfast and I ate a much smaller one than usual (my attempt to be healthier). I was on my way to the KH for the meeting when I got a text message from Ruth telling me she couldn't keep the hair appointment I had made for her this afternoon. I called and cancelled the appointment and drove out to the hospital - her brother had another crisis. He is so sick. Ruth said she slept well last night but I can tell she is really tired. They put a patch on him for pain and he got a little more comfortable. Ruth was hungry and wanted to sit down in a restaurant to eat.
Since I have been wanting to try this place we decided to go there and were delightfully surprised. I got a to-go menu so BigD and I can do take-out sometimes. I hope it will be successful - very nice atmosphere and the wait staff are gorgeous! :-)
We went back to the hospital and her brother was still in pain so they gave him more pain meds and he was asleep before we could let his bed down a little. We sat in another waiting room and visited for awhile after which I left. The person who has been coming during the night couldn't come tonight so she wanted to make sure she spoke with the night nurses before she came home. I had to smile when I came out to my car.
When I drove in I couldn't believe my eyes - I have NEVER parked this close to the entrance of this hospital. The man walking toward the car thought I was taking his picture and then laughed when I told him why I was taking the picture.
Okay- that was strange. The guy just kept chatting me up and I'm like man - grow up! Probably just left his sick wife's bed - jerk! I drove out to get gas at my new favorite station and wouldn't you know they had gone up 20 cents a gallon!! Man!! I stopped by back Ann's when I saw her car home and met Dixie Lou - their new dog! Mae called while I was there saying she had been trying to reach her daughter because she really wanted to visit a mutual friend so I went up to the farm and picked her up, brought her across town to visit which was really great because a large portion of the group who went to WV were there too and we got to hear all about their trip and experiences! I took Mae back home, drove home, took a shower, gave Miya her meds for the night and ate leftover BBQ chicken, mashed taters and slaw and had
this for dessert! YUM - not the real thing but next best thing. I chatted with Ruth's daughter-in-law on FB and looked at tons of pictures of her and the baby as well as some other friend's pictures. I'm going to miss Roseanne this week but I'm so happy she is at the beach with her entire family and they are all well. I can't wait to see the pictures from the wedding Kurt, Leah and Page2 were in today - hope they had fun. Page got back from Canada but will be leaving for Europe tomorrow for almost 2 whole weeks! Then she will be here for several days during the first week of October - can't wait!! So it is already Monday and I'm not asleep yet - wonder what this day will hold?
Glad to hear you liked Capriccio. I have been wanting to try that place but was skeptical. What did you get?