Page always sends me information for any of her "across the big pond" trips so when I got home this afternoon, I decided I wanted to "hear" her voice to assure myself she was really getting better. She was booked into The Hotel Manos Stephanie which looks very nice.

I called at a time I thought would be 10:10pm but the gentleman at the desk said she was not in.
I decided to wait awhile and try her again which I did and she answered. Dinner had run long and she had gotten in shortly after I had called. The gentleman at the desk had informed her when she returned that she had received a call and the person who called said they would call back. Nice. I felt so much better because she really did sound better. She said she was glad she had gone, the meeting today was very positive and she felt great about everything. Tomorrow is more

meetings but she hopes to be able to catch a ride about 45 minutes out to see some of the people she used to work with over there. She will probably kill me for putting this picture on here but I love it! I took it at the beach last November and she had just rolled out of bed, not combed her hair or anything but I love that pretty face and smile! I have another one of her she sent me and her Daddy when he was in the hospital for his final surgery. She had turned the shower on and turned around and all but scared herself by what she saw in the mirrow. She took the picture with her phone and sent it to me with the note - where are the squirrels? Her hair was totally hilarious! It looked like a nest of squirrels were still in it and her expression looked like

a deer in the headlights! Daddy used to tell her in the mornings when she would roll out of bed on weekends - "don't walk in front of the windows - you are going to kill the squirrels!" and we would die laughing. After laughing my own head off - I passed my phone to Big D and he kept saying - Oh, Oh, Oh - it hurts to laugh but he also couldn't help himself. And NO - I am NOT putting that one on here. There might be a squirrel walking by your window and I wouldn't want to kill it! :-) Overall - it looks like it was a good decision to go. We were enjoying our conversation when I suddenly remembered where I had called! Yikes! Don't even want to know how much that cost but believe me - it was worth every single Euro!
She is a pretty girl. Glad she is feeling better and got to go on her business trip. And getting off of FB was a good move. I've been debating it for months -if it weren't for everyones pictures...:)