I have enjoyed being on FaceBook but started realizing a few weeks ago how much time I spent on it in a day. In other words - just like chocolate, sweets and so many other vices in my life, my OCDC kicked in and I was hooked. It has died down some since Jes is no longer in DR but I still find myself checking it multiple times a day. I made some new friends and re-connected with some old. I had some rude awakenings I would have preferred to never had from some people but for the most part, it has been a positive experience for me - perhaps because I know how to "hide" or block out the things I know are bad. I de-activated my account quite awhile back but when I found out Jes would be in DR, I re-activated it. I'll see how it goes and if I miss it, will go back but in a more sane and

less time consuming way. It has changed so like Roseanne, I don't think I will miss it that much. We'll see. Roseanne told me this morning she was dropping it so after thinking about it - I came in from service, checked the new emails I had gotten including tons of messages from someone who wanted to be my friend that I really don't think I have ever seen before and that was the clincher - I de-activated it. WOW - it has been interesting. I told everyone I was signing off for awhile so I guess that's it for now. Maybe I can finish getting our books in order now that I'm not as distracted. Page called me yesterday to let us know that she was still sick but felt a tiny bit better and was

going to Europe after all. She is the only one from the States that is being sent to represent all the branches in the States and it will also give her the opportunity to re-connect with some old work-mates over there. The President of the company basically wanted this to happen so I'm not surprised she pulled herself together to go but worried? You bet. As I mentioned previously, it is hard for me having one of my babies sick living so far away but especially Page since she isn't married and lives alone. She is a very strong woman and I'm proud of her but still worry - I'm a Mama - it comes with the territory.

I know I would feel much better if Chantal was still with the company but she isn't. They did have some wonderful adventures together before she left. I may be remembering incorrectly but I think the picture of the windmill was taken from Chantal's window? I'll have to ask Page. I got up early and kept checking my email up until time to leave for service to see that she had arrived. Since she isn't part of Global Training based out of Europe any longer (based out of GA now) she no longer carries an international cell phone. They are 6 hours ahead of us but it turns out her flight out of NY was delayed for 3 hours, then the taxi that had been ordered to pick her up wasn't there since the flight wasn't there and it took her awhile to get to the hotel. I came home at lunch to check again and there was the email letting me know she was there and okay. I had sent an email before I left letting her know I had called Bentley to ask him to let me know if he heard from her first and she emailed me a second time asking me to let Bentley know since she would be in bed by the time he gets home from work that she was there. I called him and we had a nice long chat about his upcoming procedure and how it went on his job today.

They are supposed to be making it possible for him to have light duty until everything is taken care of. Page was entertained somewhat during her wait in NY. There was a woman with quadruplets who were 3 months old. She had 3 women helping her and Page decided that as bad as she felt, she was still in better shape than that woman taking her children half-way around the world. She thinks they were going to Jordan - evidently, they thought she was Arabic. My exotic beautiful daughter. When we chatted around noon (our time) he gotten a hot bath and was waiting for Raph to pick her up for dinner. I know they had fun - she was going to try to get to sleep early and try to get as much rest as possible before everything starts tomorrow. The funny thing is, it is already almost 4:30am there. When we found out she was going, Daddy and I both understood why she pushed herself to go - we admitted would probably have gone also under the same circumstances. I hope she feels better tomorrow though and the rest of her trip is positive and productive. Good night.
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