The first time I heard those words and saw the hour glass with the sands running,

through it was in 1965 - the year I graduated from High School and in December, married my high school sweetheart. I was already out of school and engaged when the first show aired and it was one of my Mom's favorite "soaps". I never really watched it that much and there are only one or two faces I would recognize now. Leah found several older pictures and sent two of them to me - Wow - time has passed since these two pictures were taken. I LOVE the wild haired one of Page2 when she was a baby - she looks like she just woke up. Isn't it great? The other one is of Page2 and their beloved Max who died hmmm - almost 2 years now???? - leaving a huge hole in all our hearts.

He looks so young and healthy here even though he was already older than Page2.

We still miss Max and I'm sure Kurt, Leah and Page2 speak of him often. Time has slipped up on me in other ways. If you have been keeping up with my Blog, you know I started this service year many hours in the hole but made them all up the next month. Since then I came up 29 hours short in November due to multiple sicknesses, gained 7 in December and came up 4 hours short last month due to bad weather. That means I am 25 hours in the hole and this month has started off very poorly - so far I am 11 hours in the hole for this month and it is our shortest month. Yikes! If things go according to plan, I might be able to make my time for this month but that means I will still be in the hole the last 6 months of the service year. Get behind me Satan!!! In looking at my calendar for that, I have realized the plans I made with my friend from down East will have to be changed since Roseanne and I will be at a musical called MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL that weekend. I heard great reviews about it so I ordered the

tickets quite awhile ago and we are both looking forward to it. I am happy to say my hot flashes have gotten much better. Now I am watching my younger friends cope with this passage into a different phase of a woman's life. Man, that just kinda slipped up on me. I also know I have an appointment with my C-team as well as one with my regular doctor in March - getting senile - forgot to write one of them down. This has put me on a mission so I am also trying to figure out when the Special Talk with be this year. It normally comes the week after our Memorial which will be on March 30
th this year but I think it will be later in April since it needs to come after the week of the 12
th. Okay - take a deep breath here. Since we have a wedding down on the Outer Banks the first weekend in May, I also need to find out when another SAD is so I can plan to attend that one. STOP - Hold the Music!!! It is the 2
nd day of the 2
nd Month and I'm already looking at March - What the heck? So I went back a page on my calendar and there I found so many little
nuggets of family history in February. Here goes - February 3rd: youngest sister's oldest grandson will be 20; 4
LinLin's son will be 6 and Papa died 13 years ago; 5
th: Aunt Vila died 11 years ago; 10
th: Ruth will be 66 and her daughter will celebrate her 9
th wedding anniversary; 11
th: Ruth's other daughter will be 47, Kev and
LeLe's son will be 7 and Phil, Jr. died around 17 years ago; 12
th: Daddy died 30 years ago and I can still smell him and feel his skin; 14
th: Daddy buried 30 years ago and
Virg and Chuck married 58 years; 17
th: Shannon died 27 years ago; 21st: Lani 6 years old. I think now that I have remembered the musical and two medical appointments, I will go ahead and figure out when I'm going down East and then leave March alone until we get through February. One day at a time. Ta-Dah! This stands for The Association of Delightfully Alive Humans. A wonderful young woman shared it with me - it was on a Bumper Sticker and I've decided I will use it also to remind myself to be happy - I'm not just alive - I'm DELIGHTFULLY ALIVE!!!!! TA-DAH!!!
Just testing to make my first comment on a Blog.