Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Spring and being yourself...
I was reading someone's Blog who asked us to all send her a few comments on what we were looking forward to most about Spring. I wrote: Spring means the warmth of the sun on my face as I breathe in the fresh air of new leaves and growth breaking forth on trees and through the earth which smells so rich at this time of year. It means re-birth and something to remind me of how precious each day is to me at this time. Thank you for helping me put into words what I'm looking forward to in Spring. Wow - I
needed that. Someone to encourage me to Stop - Think - Feel about what I feel and why? We race through each day with so much on our minds we forget to do that sometimes. It was a nice Sunny afternoon (after getting off to a very rocky, dark, day with me almost not getting out due to sleep deprivation) and I was so happy to have the feeling of the warm sun on my skin while we were laughing and talking in the car. I love my close friends - there is such an open flow of communication between us. One of my friends is always telling me I am always the same no matter who I talk to. It reminded me of another Blog I follow that talked about that very thing. Check it out for yourself - it is on the Crazy Sexy Life (Cancer) web site or cut and paste this in your browser. http://crazysexylife.com/2010/being-yourself/ I have often felt I should try harder to curtail my personality and verbage (in other words - stop being so mouthy or wordy) so it makes me feel good to know there are some who appreciate this - (hmmm - what word am I looking for here - trait, characteristic - yeah - that's pretty safe for a description) of mine. There are times I do need to do some check and balance on my verbage but for the most part I decided many years ago - what you see is pretty much what you are going to get. It is funny though - most people find it hard to believe how quiet I can truly be. I do crave down-time without much conversation and thankfully, my Big D is of one accord with me on that and always has been so it works. And that is a good thing.....

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