Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5th Month, 18th Wednesday of 2010....

Well - the vacation weekend is definitely over. I still haven't completely unpacked everything, there are dishes in the sink (even though I did keep up with them until today), there are clothes to be washed, floors to be swept, lessons to be studied and a litter box to be changed. As Scarlett put it so eloquently - "I know, I'll go to Tara - that's what I'll do - because after all - tomorrow is just another day." (Gone With the Wind) In many ways she was right - tomorrow is just another day - another opportunity to try harder, to continue reaching toward those personal goals we have set - I'm old enough to realize (even if I forget from time to time) we will still not meet all of our goals tomorrow perfectly and once tomorrow is gone, we will have another opportunity to work at it harder - the next day. The secret is to never give up! I feel like I've been working on my personality for so long - I guess you could say I'm still a "work in progress"! Then I look at the pretty girl in the picture and it makes me smile and stop and tell myself - "take each day as it comes, enjoy that day to the fullest and what doesn't get done will be waiting there for you tomorrow". It is especially important for me to remember right now. I spoke with Ann last night and her CT scan (first one since her last chemo 6 months ago) showed a node on the edge of her left lung. She asked them to first draw some fluid from around that area to biopsy since she was worred her lung would collapse if they biopsied it. She is still waiting to hear. We had a long talk and I'm sad. Until I hear something for sure though I have decided the word for the day every day will be "HOPEFUL". Once we hear, we will coin different words for each day. Even though I'm not sleeping well (the cough is back in full force) I've had three good days in service - today being the longest. I got to work this morning with one of my favorite people. I can't believe he is 26 years old now! What a handsome young man - this was taken with his phone! Technology - ain't it amazing? I especially had a good afternoon because I got to go on a study with a good friend that I really enjoy. The study and her hubby have moved into a nice apartment and I told them I like it best of any place they have lived since I've known them. I think they like it and they seem very happy which makes me happy. We did our Reading together and man - it is amazing how many times you can read something and then you read it again and you think to yourself, "have I read this before"? Then you have vague recollections but you don't want to say anything until you have time to do a little research. What a wonderful thing - to realize we will never get tired of learning and soon will have plenty of time to do it well with perfect recollection. I also had Eileen's study today. We sat on a nice swing in her back yard that has two huge Oak Trees they planted 30 years ago. There was a little breeze and we had the shade of the trees making it even nicer. Leah called today to confirm our family vacation in August - WOW - this summer is getting filled up quickly. I reminded her about our Family Reunion in June and she said as far as she knows, they are definitly planning to come. She is going to be a bridesmaid in her friend's (from VA Beach where Page2 was born) wedding in September and found out this weekend Page2 is going to be the flower girl. Page2 is quite excited (even though she expressed a tiny bit of anxiety at first).
I find it so interesting that around lunch time each day I'm planning all the things I'm going to do with I get home but by the time I walk in the house each afternoon I am beat. Sometimes I'll even try to remember what some of those things were and I can't until it is time to go to bed which is NOW which means they will have to be put off again! Is this old age? Maybe so but I'm not going to worry about it today because after all - tomorrow is another day..........

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