Ruth's beautiful daughter-in-law just added some 3 month pictures of her beautiful Paige to FB so I "snatched" a few for my own use. The more Ruth tells me about her daughter-in-law, the more I like her. It appears she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside which is quite pretty.

Ruth and I are going to have a small adventure tomorrow afternoon and I'm looking forward to it. Will post pictures and details tomorrow. Isn't going to be all that exciting to anyone else but something we will remember. I'm always so happy Ruth and I have maintained our friendship over the years and miles even though long periods of times pass between our communications, we are only a phone call away from being 17 years old again. We liked each other immediately and I treasure our times together even more today. I might add a few more pictures of Paige tomorrow since her mom gave me permission to "snatch" them.
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