I'm not really back to reality because my mind is still down East for the most part.:-) As I was leaving for service today I noticed a new resident in our yard. We have very little in the way of woods left around out house these days. It seems like a dream when I remember how deep the woods were behind us. We always have at least one bunny that comes out into our yard during the summer. This little one sat very still as I got out to pick up the newspaper. We had a nice slow and easy day but I got to talk to quite a few people which was nice. Shen cancelled her study but I did get to have Fina's. Her little boys were so cute in their little shorts - they were going out after the study. I can't believe how much they have grown. I took a little longer lunch hour today which amazingly seemed

to give me more energy for the hotter afternoon. After service, I drove over to where Roseanne works and gave her

my crock pot (she is doing the meatballs for the wedding) and the little gift I brought her back from the coast. I didn't take a picture of it but it was a magnet shaped exactly like the one I got both of us with the Eiffel Tower on it but this one has a sea bird - lovely picture. After telling her how much

I like her new purple cast I had to get on over to one of my favorite places - Wellspring (Whole Foods). Picked up a few favorites including some flowers. I purchased a lovely milk glass vase in one of my favorite shops at the coast and bought some pretty peonies to go in it. I wish I could have gotten the vase in a light blue or green but all they had was white. I love the perfect shape for small bouquets. I also bought some happy daisies just to brighten up the living room. As delicate and beautiful as the peonies are the daisies are just plain happy flowers. I put them right up there with buttercups (daffodils) for making me smile. SheilaB just called to see if I got back okay and to talk more about the trip. Gerl and I talked about our week during service today too - so maybe it's not reality yet.
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