It has been a pretty lazy day today - washed a few loads of clothes, worked some crossword puzzles, studied for meeting, went to meeting (excellent speaker today), fixed some fresh asparagus and salmon, and now watching a movie on TV with BigD. This is one of my favorite paintings -

love the colors. Page has a large print of it that Ruth framed for her. I also love this one - the dark colors with the wind catching the fabric. Notice the trees in the background bending to the wind also. Lovely. We just had a quick shower -hope it hasn't rained much between here and the coast. Eileen and her dear hubby are bringing us the new mattress Eileen is giving us. Was so hoping Fina would be at the meeting today but when I went to the back, she wasn't there. Color me sad. :-( It was nice being with everyone - even though I am still trying hard to hold on to my beach "persona" for as long as I can. When I left the KH, I cranked up my Motown by Michael McDonald CD and yep - could swear I smelled the ocean for just a second there. I love it when it comes up a sudden hard shower and then before the rain even stops good, the sun is

shining brightly on the wet leaves and blades of grass. I was just telling Big D about our bunny rabbit. He was in the same spot this morning when I walked out to get the paper. We were laughing about how they think if they sit real still we can't see them. We love having our own little bit of wildlife in our yard. Makes us both so sad to see how they tear all the trees down for each development. Then they plant those pitiful little trees that don't hold up well. Just noticed what time it is so I'd better get busy on taking the mattress and box springs off the bed. Not sure where I will put the others ones yet. Argghhh.
I LOVE the picture of the girl in the wind!! Who is it by?
ReplyDeleteI can't remember - I "snatched" it from Toni I think or maybe her sister-in-law - can't remember. I LUV it too.