My goodness it has been an interesting day! I'm still coughing; thought it was getting better toward the end of the mega antibiotics
(up) but it is quickly going the other way-again
.(down) Woke up late and feeling punk and had tons to do including a few things for
BigD so decided to stay in today.
(up) Wish I could say I've made tons of headway but that would be a big fat lie.
(down) My dear friend from down East called
(up) to say her beautiful daughter lost her baby - she was 3 1/2 months along.
(down) It made my heart feel quite heavy - for my friend's daughter and her entire family. It also brought back to mind clearly those feelings I had when I lost our first baby so many years ago and yet each year I still think about it. People always ask how far along someone was. I guess that is because they feel the further along the pregnancy is, the more loss someone feels but I'm not sure if that is true. I guess it would depend on the circumstances. My Mom had 8 pregnancies - she had two miscarriages and delivered 6 daughters. I wonder sometimes if the two she lost were the boys my Dad wanted so badly! :-) I called Page and reached Bentley who told me his tests today came out great!

He only has one more test before they schedule his surgery this summer. I know he will be glad when it is all over and he has recovered. I hope the results of this test made him feel more positive.
(up) Leah called to say she got home early

Whoo Hoo!
(up) Poor baby - big project has kept her working tons of overtime.
(d0wn) I took of picture of what was left of my roses I posted 12 days ago - I usually keep them a little longer but decided to let them go softly into the trash.

My friend Roseanne just called to say she broke her wrist. She didn't go to the hospital so it will be Monday before she knows how badly. They were getting ready to wrap it to keep it protected until she knows more. The PA and nurse at the facility both told her they felt sure it was broken so hopefully it is a clean break and she will not need surgery.
(down) I told her to be sure she gets good drugs!
(up) Wow - I wonder why my wrist hurt so, so, so bad? Was it because it was crushed and had to have a plate put in? It wasn't swollen, wasn't red but it hurt so bad at first I could hardly breathe. Even after I could breathe and talk, it was unreal and agony to move it even a tiny bit. One of paramedics insisted on taking that $15 fake Rolex I bought in NYC off and I would have slapped him if it hadn't hurt so bad. I kept saying - "CUT IT OFF - CUT IT OFF" but NO - he relentlessly inched it off while I held on to
Gerl's hand so

tight she was praying I wouldn't say a "bad" word in pain.
LOL Then in the ambulance I asked him how it could hurt so bad and look so normal and mentioned it was the worst pain I had ever

felt. The younger (he looked 12) paramedic said, "but you have had babies" and I said yes but those pains come in waves and you have a second to breathe. Is it possible for a person to be less pain tolerant than others? Does that mean I'm a "sissy girl weenie"?
(down) Hmm - I hope not. Big D has started the fire for the steaks he is cooking tonight,
Miya is napping and I'm blogging.
(up) I tried to catch her napping earlier but she heard the click of the

BigD sent a picture to Kurt of the steaks he was getting ready to put on the grill - Black Angus Prime Sirloins. Of course then Kurt had to send a picture (all over the phone guys) of the fresh Salmon he is cooking tonight. He likes to make a marinade of Bourbon, lemon juice and honey and cook it until the oven door blows open (the liquor). I LOVE a man who LOVES to cook!!!!
UP!!! I've had some other ups this week - one was finding out some of our friends who moved to CA were at our SAD on Sunday. This young man with
Laine was one of them and he called when he found out why I wasn't there. I had already heard they were there so I was so happy he had called. He wanted to send me this picture and also to thank me for all the

encouragement I had given him through the years when he was young and out in service with us. He comes from a very large family and his grandfather was a dear friend of mine. It made me smile to see his smile in the picture and to hear how well he and his family are doing out there. He would have loved this picture I took this past Tuesday while we were in service. We see so many

interesting things in people's yards and I was glad I had my camera so I could capture it. You can tell we were in the country and I also took this picture of a nice pond. I was trying to get a picture of a family of ducks - Mom, Dad and all the little ones were swimming, swimming, swimming but I just couldn't catch them well enough for them to show up. Oh well - it was a good day working way out in the country. Makes your heart slow down and you breathe deeper. Another
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