Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Surgery scheduled --- check...

After spending all morning at the hospital, we left happy to know we got the date we wanted for my surgery - Monday, October 10th. One person said the schedule was for 300 minutes - 5 hours. Of course I think that includes everything from start to finish. I've been poked, prodded, stuck, squeezed, weighed and questioned so now I just have to wait again. I knew I was going to like my surgeon the first time I met him. He apologized for running late but he had baby sitting duty.  I like that.....
This really isn't a great picture of my surgeon - he looks better than this. Of course, I may be prejudiced since he will be inside my mouth, nose and neck for quite a while next Monday morning. We talked about Dr. Sharpe and how on top of everything she got right away.  If you have read my post about her - you'll know how I feel about her.
This is the Resident who will be taking care of me after the surgery. My surgeon was very honest about everything and I feel very fortunate to have him on my case. He was telling me the da Vinci Robot system is bigger than the examination room we were in. I saw tons of pictures of the system but wasn't sure exactly which one he would be using. I'm supposed to meet the Radiation Oncologist after the surgery and will also find out when I'm to have surgery on my nose by Dr. Cook. They want me to stay away from everyone until the surgery so I don't catch anything.  My Primary Care Physician agrees with them and wants me to curtail my door to door and being in groups of people until after the surgery.  Hmmmm.   I so appreciate all the help I'm getting - especially from my children.  It was so nice having Leah stay over and go with us to our appointments this morning.  She took great notes and asked good questions. Page will be here next Saturday to be with me through the surgery and the following week. Then Leah and Kurt will be back the following weekend.  I do appreciate them all so much - hard being so far apart.  Now it's back to hurry up and wait again....... Be glad when I am not so weak and tired.  Also having some referred pain again but can't take anything that might thin my blood so will be okay with that.  Now I just need to get BigD to stop calling it MelaNOVA and call it MelaNOMA.  Leah said Kurt likes hearing his Dad call it MelaNOVA - said it sounds more exotic. Yuk Yuk Yuk......

1 comment:

  1. MelaNOVA does sound more exotic ;) I understand your having to keep away from people, but I wish I could come by...the kids have had a cough for a while, so we definitely will NOT :( It's a relief to be at this point and finally understand what's going on and I'm glad the surgery is sooner rather than later. Man, what a whirlwind these past few weeks have been. Keeping you in my thoughts.
    Love you.


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