Thursday, July 18, 2013

Unique, special, one-of-a-kind....

Yeah, that all sounds real good doesn't it? In reality, it can be a big pain in the patootie. It turns out the reason they haven't scheduled me to come get my CPAP machine is because my "type" of Sleep Apnea is "special" and requires a "special" machine. Evidently they tried two different machines on me the night I slept in my mask and neither one of them worked. The doctor isn't sure exactly why I have this issue. He said it might be from the results of the surgery and radiation and all of the deformities caused by them, the medication I'm still taking for pain, or it may just be that I'm special. The good news is they have one that they think will work but it is very expensive and the only way insurance will cover it is if neither of the other two work. SO, my insurance should cover it. They are going to schedule another sleep study using the machine and see if it works. I think I just heard my Mother's voice saying, "Only you Triciajane, only you."
I snatched this picture from Monica's Facebook page. It was evidently taken at the Family Reunion last month. Somebody posted a question to Monica on FB asking her which one of them was Mary Poppins.  Of course, that would be Alice. She is never without an umbrella. She has probably lost count of just how many umbrellas she has. 
Was hoping to get to my meeting tonight but just text messaged Karen telling her to go ahead without me.  Didn't sleep well last night and have felt pretty lousy all day. The headache got so bad I finally broke down and took something for it.  I am happy Karen has agreed to spend tonight and tomorrow night with me so Dwight can enjoy his time at the coast with Steve.
I took a picture of this from the funny papers today and text messaged it to Donald, Sheila, Geral, and Linda. It made me remember a conversation we all had out in service one day about this game. None of them had ever heard of it and they kept saying it must be a "white" thing. I think it was Donald who finally told them that yes, he had heard of it before and what kind of game it is.  I sure do miss those good old days out in service all day with all the other pioneers.  It seems like a distant dream now.  Gotta get off the computer and call in to the meeting.

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