It has definitely been awhile since my car wouldn't start. I called Gerl and she let me know someone would pick me up. BigD said he would charge the battery and let me know if it started after that. Rie picked me up and I went with her on a great study. It was so nice having her back in town after being on vacation for over a week. I called BigD who said it wasn't the battery so he bought a starter and was going to put it on. That didn't work either so he called our mechanic who gave him some suggestions to try tomorrow. Wow - 14 years old, 199,000 plus miles and I really think this is the first time I've had this type of problem. She really has been a good old girl hasn't she? Especially when you consider how many mishaps she has been involved in and the constant use of around town driving these past 10 years as well as the many long trips. I hope she can be fixed soon - I'm not even going to allow myself to consider she might be un-fixable. I called Lori to see how Ann's appointment went today. Overall - I feel pretty positive. Once she gets the bacteria under control, there is a plan that will be put into play. The word for today - Quality. That is the word her doctor used - he is going to focus on quality of life - a permanent line w/chemo monthly and hopefully a quality of life - one day at a time. Hopefully once the bacteria is under control, she will re-gain some of her energy and feel a little better.
She does love to spread out which means she sometimes encroaches on my side of the bed. Hmm - as I recall, the other Page had a tendency to sleep like that and I sleep with one leg pulled up like that.
I love that soft, relaxed look on her face.
Remember my trip to Virginia last month when Kurt and Leah were planting their garden so quickly before the rain came? Look at what she found today! She sent me another picture of 4 large ones - a nice reward for the hard work - Yum. When I spoke with her tonight, she told me she made muffins with them with blueberries and a crumble topping. Double Yum. She also shared with me that her fire ant bites (she got more than I did) were still driving her nuts too. They do get nasty looking as time passes.
I'm trying to decide if this is better looking or worse? Yuck! And MAN - I need to lose weight - even my toes look like little porkers. Keep your comments to yourselves please! :-)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Country Style Steak and Gravy and Baby Lima Beans with Corn ........
Yep - BigD decided to cook some country style steak and gravy and what we call butter beans and corn. I happen to have some nice tomatoes to make it a perfect Tuesday night supper. YUM. Got a nice shower this morning, two loads of wash going, let my hair go natural and had a nice long (HOT) day in service. The person I need to order the monument from was in another branch handling another service so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to order it. After speaking with the guy at the cemetery, I know we have made the right decision to get this done right away. He basically has no intention of saving that spot for Ann - it will be a first come, first served if left up to him so I told him what I was doing and he said fine but it has to be the right size or he will have it moved. What a ding dong. Guess he missed the class on Customer Service 101. I did have a great morning with my dear friend and her three kids. We worked way out in the country and she had two really nice calls plus a return visit. I snatched quite a few of her pictures from FB. We noticed this beautiful squash that was just begging to be picked in one of the yards. I have grown very fond of this young woman and her family. She works so hard to be a capable wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and minister. One of her better qualities is her ability to see things for what they are - not gloss them over or fool herself but actually wants to see the truth of things. They are waiting to hear about several houses they have looked at to rent since they have pretty much outgrown their nice apartment and need something bigger with a yard. She started talking about my Page this morning - telling me how much she and her twin sister were always in awe of her. Not just how beautiful she is but how she seemed to have it all together. Of course it made me feel proud as a peacock because I feel the same way about my Page. Just as we were walking to one of the doors, my phone rang from Ann's daughter-in-law. It turns out the lab work (almost a month ago) also showed Ann has a bacterial infection and needs to get on antibiotics. When she called her primary physician, she refused to write a prescription and told her she should go to an emergency room and then follow up with her oncologist. I just got off the phone with Ann's daughter-in-law who said they didn't give her any medication at the hospital because the bacteria is evidently a rare strain and she has to see a specialist (side point - she went to this hospital ER because they have those types of specialists but none of them came down to see her) so they sent her home around 7:20pm. I am so unhappy with this situation - my 75 year old fragile sister was in the emergency room for 10 hours and they did nothing for her. She was so exhausted they had to take a chair to the car and bring her in the house in it. She is going to be worn out for her appointment with the oncologist tomorrow but maybe we will get more information on what exactly is going on. One more point was the guy in the ER feels this bacteria is being driven by her cancer. I don't know how I will ever be able to share with this beautiful young woman how much she means to all of us for everything she does. Ann has always told me she is the daughter she always wanted and has never had anything but wonderful things to say about her. Sadly, I will have to close out just as uncomfortable (if not more so) as I was last night from my little fire ant mementos I got at the reunion. Been keeping alcohol drenched cloth on it for two hours and just finally got some relief. Wicked little buggers.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Memories keep on slipping, slipping, slipping into oblivion....
I'm not kidding here - my memory (short term) is all but shot. I haven't really had time to work my crossword puzzles every day but will attempt to do better with that. Don't panic Page - not ready for the nursing home yet! Just don't worry too much if I start repeating myself. LOL Leah sent me a text message with this picture showing Page2's new "do". I love it - she also has on her little romper I mentioned in a previous entry. Enjoyed a long day in service today and want to kiss the hand of the man who invented air conditioning for homes and cars. My goodness - every time one of us opened the door, (oh yeah - we did driving territory) the heat rushed in like a wave. Eileen joined us this afternoon and it was so good to be with her. She has been taking care of her dear hubby who had knee replacement and her Mom came back to live with her this week also. Question - how can something so small cause so much misery? My poor toes - they have itched like the devil all day and tonight it just got the best of me. First I tried soaking my foot in vinegar but got no relief. BigD suggested saturating a face cloth with alcohol and holding it on the blisters which I did (and rubbed some) and it does feel a little better. Mine are on and between my toes but have the little blisters and red all around them. They were so tiny and I couldn't just brush them off - they were determined to do as much damage as they could while they could hang on. My sister Ruth and her granddaughter got bitten/stung also. I snatched a picture of the farm from my friend. I can almost see my friend I.T. down there piddling like he loved to do. He would get so dirty and it didn't seem to faze him in the least. I used to laugh when his brother Hal would come and visit - I don't know which one of them would get the dirtiest - it was almost like they were in a competition. Mae and I used to laugh about it. I love how you can see a rain cloud coming over the silo, barn and sheds. I haven't called Mae yet - I'm planning to wait a few days. Lee and Ann told me they were having a private family memorial for Mae's daughter up behind the farm house and her ashes were scattered where her sister's were some years ago. As strong as this family is, there has just been too much loss these past few years. They are in my thoughts and prayers always. I have almost completed my assigned task of taking care of end of life plans for my sister Ann. I promised months ago to take care of this and have only to order the memorial headstone for her grave site. The one we order may have a design but I promised her no picture, no praying hands, no poems, etc.. I spoke with the secretary of the little cemetery who said I could go ahead and have the monument put there with both her name and her husband's name as long as it wasn't more than 2 feet - this is a single space. The plan is for Ann to be buried and her hubby's ashes will be buried where she is later. He said that would be fine. The man at the cemetery stressed it can't be bigger than 2 feet because of it being a single spot and I assured him it wouldn't be. Their names will be listed up and down instead of side by side with names and date of birth for now. Naoki is sending the two checks that will be deposited in an insurance account for the pre-planned costs and I told him I will take care of the monument and he can reimburse me so we can go ahead and get it down there. That is truly the only way we can be assured of having that particular location beside Mama. Ann wants it plain like the one above (I think it will be a tiny bit wider) with their names and dates only. I've been looking on-line for a peignoir set and so far haven't been totally successful. I'm thinking I will look again with her daughter-in-law and my sister Ruth while we are up there for a visit. I know what she wants - it is just a matter of finding it. I know she will rest easier once the plans have been made so I'm really working hard to get it done chop, chop. I "snatched" the last picture from a friend who was visiting her new in-laws - this looks so peaceful to me and I want to end my entry on a pleasing note.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Family Reunion June 2010....
I slept so good last night. Leah called to say they would be late so I hid the key and went to bed. I must have been snoring really good because Page wasn't in the bed with me - poor baby. :-) I got up and made some coffee and got started. I put fresh mushrooms into the crock pot I had started the night before (on the porch)with a beef roast and tons of good thick mushroom gravy. The meat was very tender. I got the butter beans (baby Lima beans) going (with fatback and butter) and put the pie crust in the oven to bake. After mixing the pie, I put it on the back eye and put Harry in charge of stirring it until it thickened. The crust was done so I put it on the top of the stove in front of the pot of pie custard. I touched the pie plate and it pretty much exploded. Yep - the front eye was the one on and between that and being close to the one the butter beans was on wasn't good. We threw away the butter beans and the pie - the glass was everywhere. Kurt was great and got up most of the glass. I put Harry to work cutting up some veggies and then put together the roasted veggies. After I got them in the oven (two pans but I combined them to serve), I took my shower and decided to just let my hair go natural. I'm glad I made the fudge last night - I was making it mostly so I could take some to my nephew who loves my fudge full of pecans but took the whole recipe (with him some separate in a bag) for the dessert. Ruth brought banana pudding, Mama's corn pudding and chocolate bread pudding so we were covered. We loaded up the car and got there in pretty good time. I was pleased with how many people braved the hot weather - it truly was pretty miserable. By the time we took pictures, everyone felt like Page did in the picture above hanging on her Uncle Paul. Even though we worry about her not being aware enough of strangers and/or danger, I do love how she is so comfortable with most people. I had to get the computer set up pretty quickly because my nephew and his family had another event to attend with her family. I think everyone enjoyed the Skype experience - I know Ann did. When Mom's family decided to have their own reunion, it was decided to have it at her brother's home because my grandmother lived there most of the time. Even though my uncle and my grandmother are gone, it has stayed there which is appropriate because my Aunt has always been loved by my Mom's family as if she were their own. I loved my Uncle - he was a quiet man and I used to think we resembled each other. We both had dark skin, dark brown eyes, brown hair and we were both quiet - I know, I know. Anyway, my Mom really loved her two brothers and when he died it broke her heart. The two guys in the back on the left are her sons and the woman in the yellow shirt on the right is her daughter. They are very special to allow us to continue coming to their home every year and we do appreciate them. The beautiful white haired guy in the picture on the left has a really big family but these are the only ones who were able to make it this year. We were happy because he wasn't with us last year due to having back surgery. His Mom was close in age to my Mom and I remember a lot of laughter anytime they were together. The woman on the right is my second cousin and we played together a lot as youngsters. Her Mom is the oldest grandchild in our family and I have very fond memories of her. I used to borrow her gorgeous dresses when I was a teenager - remember - I was 5'8" by the time I was 13. My boyfriend (Tommy) and I used to hang out with her and her husband when we were dating. Her Mom was one of Mama's older sisters and lived near us for many years. I guess that is why I got to spend so much time with this lovely woman standing here with one of her grandsons. I can't believe she has great-grandchildren! And then you have my crazy clan! I missed seeing Page this year - hopefully she will be able to join us next year. I spoke to my cousin about maybe pushing the date into the Fall when it would be cooler. Definitely something for us to talk about. I was pleased with our turnout - if you count that Ann was with us on Skype - Mama would have had all 5 of her Pearls at this reunion - she would have been happy. So three girls and one son of my grandmother's 7 children were represented by their children and grandchildren - my grandmother would be happy too. Leah just called to say they all got home okay and for me to go to bed! She is such a sweetie. I found out that Leah and Page keep up with Ann's Blog - I think I write too much in my Blog - but as Ann brought out last night - I do my Blog for moi. I love and appreciate that there are some people who enjoy reading my blog but I certainly will not be upset if others aren't interested in the ramblings of a rapidly aging old Southern Lady. Ya'll sleep good now - ya hear??
Saturday, June 26, 2010
2 hours sleep and hot, hot, hot....
Wow - I'm not sure what is going on with me. I think I finally drifted off around 6am and the phone woke me at 8am. My computer guru was calling to see if I wanted to bring my laptop over so he could get the camera working on Skype so we could hook up with Ann from the reunion. My nephew and I connected but my picture didn't show up. I went ahead and got up because I had tons to do before going out to the farm. I threw on a baseball cap and prayed I wouldn't see anyone I knew - SUCCESS! After we unloaded the groceries, guru and his little girl brought my computer back and it works! His daughter Vi and Page had a ball - they are both easily excited so they got along very well. Kurt and Harry were gone when I got home - they are going to meet us later at the farm. Kurt wanted to share some of his favorite places in his "hometown". Leah, Page and I went out to the farm and when Kurt and Harry showed up, I don't know who was more drenched in sweat - Kurt or Lee who just came in from mowing the grass. Kurt really wanted to go fishing in a pond nearby - especially after getting the picture to the right from his Dad who is down East with some friends fishing. After Lee gave him a clean shirt, he was ready to go. Ann - one of the most hospitable and prepared hostesses in the entire inhabited world pulled out her magic Hor'Dourves. I'm not exaggerating here - she is totally, always prepared for any event. I never cease to be amazed at her talents on so many levels and feel like celebrating the day she became such an important part of my life. Oh - and believe me, she would be prepared for that celebration too. She was one of the three young women who came last March and prepared breakfast for me after my surgery - oh yeah - all three of those young women are amazing. Okay - that looks like cheese and crackers - right? But NO - those little cubes of white cheese have horseradish in them. BANG - what a great taste. See what I mean? She likes everything to be special for everyone - not just lemonade - "raspberry"-lemonade. I had her put a splash of white wine in mine and it was goooood. After the guys left, we sat on the porch watching Boy, Biscuit and Page playing in the pool, with the toys, on the swings, ... you get the point. They had a ball! I left my camera at home so all of the telephone pictures I took didn't turn out well at all. I took tons of Biscuit but this was the only one that turned out. She is so pretty and I love her eyes and smile! I don't think Kurt and Lee had been gone very long at all when we got this picture from Kurt - which explains why they probably stayed longer than they intended to. Wow - what a pretty Bass - Kurt said as soon as he put his hook in - bam - this baby hit it. Lee noticed my back right tire was going flat so he took it up to the barn to put air in it. Dang it - that guy said it was fixed. Leah enjoyed holding "Bunny" - a "special needs" little rabbit Ann is babysitting for two weeks. It is bittersweet but I can understand why Ann didn't hesitate to agree to keep this sweet little baby. She suffered neurological damage after being dropped as a baby. Then he and Ann put together a delicious dinner of grilled pork chops (so tender), and tons of veggies and corn on the cob. I knew I had a lot to do so she cut me a piece of delicious cake (multiple thin layers all covered with rich dark chocolate icing) to bring home with me. It was so sweet - by the time I got ready to leave, Biscuit and Boy were both ready to give me kisses. My cup runneth over. Leah called later to say the boys all went to listen to some live music out that way so they would probably be late. Good night.....
What the heck......
Okay - this is ridiculous! Here it at 4:14AM and I'm still awake. The kids all got in around 10pm and brought me a nice Cook Out Chocolate Malt Shake - yum. We watched some TV, looked up some trivia about some actors and movies, drank a little wine and finally got in the bed around 2AM. It is so hot and little Page has an internal furnace like her Mama's. She was so sweet when I put on my pajamas...she said, your pajamas are so "cute" grandmommy. I did break down and spent quite a bit on getting some new pajamas this year. I got tired of sleeping in rags and when I do get to stay at home, nothing is as comfortable as PJ's. I let Page keep the overhead fan on so she could go to sleep but she tossed and turned forever. I finally got up and turned the fan off so I could get to sleep and it just ain't happening . Even with Miya laying up close to me (which usually calms me right down and I drift off) didn't do the trick. So now everyone in this house is asleep but ME! Oh - and Kurt couldn't find the "stuff" to "off" the mouse! I guess BigD will get to have his mouse hunt after all. Got my list made for the grocery store - we are out of everything. Since we are going out to the farm to visit Lee, Ann and the babies tomorrow, I'm going to have to get up early Sunday and get everything cooked and ready to go chop, chop. I spoke with my sister Ann yesterday - it was good to hear her voice. We chatted for awhile and she finally said, "my arm is going to break so do you have anything else you want to say"? Yep - that's my sister - straight to the point! Leah and I are talking about driving up in several weeks. I'll just have to catch my CO visit in pieces at other congregations. More on that later. Still stuff to do before then. Going back to bed and try again. Oh man....
Friday, June 25, 2010
Still making headway......
When I hear that term, I always think of a sailboat. I'll never forget the day we went on our first sailboat ride with Dwight's niece and her hubby. Most of that day we were constantly jumping because their little girls were all over the boat. I loved feeling the wind and sun but when I went downstairs, I knew exactly what seasickness is for the first time. I had to lay flat on the bench or I would have hurled all over that boat. Once I made it back upstairs, I was OK. A sailboat moves differently in the water from a motorboat. BigD said it was .... o k...:-). He finally told me, "I could have made it over here and back three times in my boat" and we both knew right then he was not one for sailboats if going any distance at all. I finally got everyone assigned for the 5th Anniversary Party coming up. I had forgotten how much time and work that takes. I also had Gerl bring a sister by and she took a big box of the videos I got rid of. I have just a few more I'm giving to another sister. I also pulled out two containers and have a bag of old clothes to go out the door. I really have two bags - one for trash and one for Goodwill. Page would be so proud. I was so upset yesterday when I opened my bread, chips, cookie drawer and found evidence of another tiny little mouse. I had to toss everything and clean out the drawer. When I told Kurt, he said he was going to bring something that will take care of it. Good. I am so tired of BigD insisting on using a trap - how archaic! Let's poison the little buggers. That picture makes them look so cute but let them eat all your food and leave their little dropping behind as souvenirs. Kurt called to tell me he wanted to bring Harry with them for the weekend and our family reunion. He is Leah's cousin and the one who became a licensed masseuse. I should have said - "on the condition he brings his table" but that would have been rude wouldn't it? Now I have to clean the office a little so he can make his way to the daybed. Kurt said he might take him fishing at a local pond somewhere tomorrow. He really is a nice guy and I'm looking forward to seeing him. I had two of my studies over the phone and paid some bills. I also sent out the last email to family to remind them of the reunion Sunday. I mentioned some of the things we are bringing as a Belma's girls - Pot Roast, Lasagna, butterbeans (really baby lima) and corn, roasted vegetables, chocolate pie, chocolate bread pudding, corn pudding, raw vegetables, pizza, etc., etc.,. Most of the desserts are Mom's recipes. I'm going to really miss Page this year but maybe she will be able to make it next year. I've been busy and on the phone most of the day but still have so much to do - BUT HEY - at least I'm making headway....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Making progress......
"I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.” Charles R. Swindoll- b.1934 So I'm thinking I may need an attitude adjustment in order to make progress. So far, today has been a good day in that respect. I have started the "process" of making progress. I have set goals down in writing and am diligently working on marking through them today. Today - not tonight, not tomorrow - TODAY. So that alone is "me" making progress. I've learned it is different for everyone and can at times be a state of mind. First priority today - schedule BigD's appointment for his colonoscopy - check. Work on who is doing what for party - in progress with messages being left - check. Find out if any needed meds for Miya can be liquid, gel, etc. - check. Acquire CareCredit - check. (Thank you Jangee) Call NCSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital to ensure they take CareCredit - check. Call Miya's doctor to have her make the referral to NCSU for Miya's echocardiogram - check. Bite the bullet and order some of the missing pieces to my flatware - check. Enjoy that Miya has finally forgiven me for her last visit to the doctor and is again demanding to sleep on me and letting me love her to my hearts content - check, check, check. Still have to work on the hard task at hand that I don't want to talk about, study for the meeting, clean toilet, sweep floors, send email reminding everyone of the family reunion this Sunday, rub Miya, say good-bye to what's left of the flowers Page sent me, rub Miya, call more people about the party and take a shower. Waiting for the CHECK!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
miscellany [mɪˈsɛlənɪ (US) ˈmɪsəˌleɪnɪ]: 1. a mixed assortment of itemsLeah just sent me this picture of Page with Miya's brother Hiro sitting beside her. She sent it via telephone and wrote "I think he missed her. He's been sitting with her since she sat down". It is a little blurry but so cute. The house seems quiet tonight without the kids here. Kurt caught this picture of BigD wearing Kurt's hat while they were fishing yesterday. Oh my goodness - it is uncanny how much he reminds me of both his Dad and mine in this picture. The hat reminds me of my Dad but his face in this picture reminds me of his Dad whom I called Pop. He developed his love of fishing from his Dad and several other men in his life. This other picture is of BigD working on a boat ramp for his friend who has a house in Morehead. My dear husband is cursed with having the ability to fix about anything you hand him. Kurt took the fish they caught home and like his Dad, he has become a really good cook and will definitely not let them go to waste. As far as Miya and her condition - I think I am still in shock. I have so much on my plate for tomorrow - after service, I have to handle some important matters for my dear sister Ann. Her daughter-in-law told me she has lost 12 pounds since her surgery (she is already very, very small) and still hasn't spoken to the oncologist. My sister Ruth has so much on her plate for June and July there is no way she will be able to make the trip before August. Leah has told me she will go with me if we go in the middle of the week so that is probably what will be happening in the next few weeks. BigD isn't happy about me driving my car so I'm not sure what I will be doing. I may check flights but every time I have, they have been quite high. I may look into renting a car. We will know more after tomorrow. I'm supposed to talk to Miya's doctor tomorrow also to decide about the echo cardiogram. I guess I need to talk to BigD about it first but don't know yet how that will go. I'm trying to get everyone assigned to what they are going to fix for the anniversary party next month before I leave so that will be taken care of. I love this picture of my friend and most of her big Italian family. Her sister and her family are missing but all of her family along with her big brother and some of his family were present for her granddaughter's graduation party. They carried over the tradition their Dad had instituted for all his grandchildren when they graduated. I'll end tonight with a picture of a ladybug sitting on Page's hand. This was taken awhile back when she and Bentley were hiking I believe. I still enjoy looking at it. I have always loved ladybugs. They are also called lady beetles and ladybird beetles. They are great for protecting plants from aphids, however, they can also take over in a big way as my Page learned when she lived on the farm.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Another week winding down.....
I never get tired of looking at this picture - it represents a luxuriously, slower pace of life to me which is something I long for from time to time. Even though I had a little of that on my beach trip with Eileen, I was only in Paris a short period of time with a migraine to boot, but it was still wonderful. People there walk a lot which I think helps them take their time to notice their environment - something we tend to forget to do here in our fast paced environment. I do work at it though. I love this picture I got of Page on Friday. She wore my hat while we were walking door to door. After service, we rushed over to a house our friend is looking at to rent. We all liked it but she is waiting to hear on another one closer to her Mom's house. After I put together a lasagna for dinner and drained the marinated veggies, Leah dropped me off at DebC's house to meet with the committee. Sounds important doesn't it? We are planning the 5th anniversary party for Jmee and Mac. I wanted them to taste the veggies to see if they are what they want for the party - it is a recipe my boss used to fix and we all loved it. Leah and Page went shopping and came back with the cutest romper for Page. We were laughing about how that style keeps coming around - I wore them when I was a little girl too. The one she has is much cuter than the ones I wore though. She also got a new bathing suit to go with the other one she just got. She is getting taller but when I weighed her to check her sizing for a catalogue we were looking at, she still weighs about 47.6 pounds. Leah also bought this pool for her and will take it home with her so she can enjoy it this summer. We may take it to the beach with us in August. She enjoyed the pool today with her friend Cam. It took me awhile but I finally found a picture of the romper I wore as a little girl. I think my mom made them for us and as I recall, they were very comfortable. They aren't as grown up looking as the one Leah found for Page but I think I like that. It seems we are trying too hard to dress our children as adults. I've always wanted my children to stay children as long as they needed to - being a teenager and grown-up comes fast enough. While I was looking for the romper I used to wear, I ran across another pattern my Mom must have used because I remember wearing them. We had chickens when I was little and the chicken feed came in nice bags made of material women could use to make clothes out of once the feed was gone. Mama would make me these little bloomer shorts to wear in the summertime. For the most part, when it was real hot, I don't think I even wore a top until I was about 4 years old - I remember distinctly the first time I realized I didn't have on a top. Mom used to have a picture of me in a pair of my shorts with a striped t-shirt on. My hair was shoulder length and still kind of light. It was brown by the time I started school. Kurt liked the lasagna last night but I liked what he brought with him much better. There is a gourmet doughnut shop close to where he lives and they are so yummy. I'm sure they can't be too fattening - right? Ahem. Moving on - BigD and Kurt picked up a Johnny Boat at a friends house and then came home to "rest-up" for their fishing trip. I can't blame them - the breakfast BigD made was yummy and even I felt a little sleepy. They are just going to a lake that is pretty close by - I hope they catch a few to make the trip worth while. BigD keeps talking about ordering prime rib from Outback so I think that will be what we have for dinner. Gerl brought some fresh squash from her Mom's garden yesterday so we will add that to the pot. My cell phone just rang that I had a call from Page but I couldn't figure out how that could be since she had called to tell Kurt they were going to a concert to hear The Reign Band. When I answered the phone - all I could hear was loud music so she must have called by mistake. Hope they are having fun. It is now 7:12pm, the sun is starting to slide downward a little, Miya is still sleeping on the back of the chair, Page is in the tub (with a slightly red back from being in the sun in her pool), Leah is texting someone who asked for some information, I'm looking at the flowers Page1 sent me, Andy Griffith's and Opie are on TV and we are all doing okay. I am incredibly sad about Miya's potential health situation but with all the drama that surrounds us daily, we have to remember that life keeps moving forward second by second and what is truly important is to grab on to every sweet thing that comes our way. An example is this darling gift from Lin and Ann - my two spiritual daughters. It was given to me wrapped in purple tissue paper - a dragonfly. They are both so sweet to remember how much I love dragonflies and pottery - of course Ann can't help but remember because I am always trying to snatch her pillow! Leah and I were talking about maybe getting a small suction to attach to the back so I could keep it where I'll see it every day... one idea. So - to all my children, family, friends and loved ones -carpe diem!
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